• Open Dawana and work together to help the mechanics set sail early
    Open Dawana and work together to help the mechanics set sail early 2019-12-12
    On the morning of May 19, 2016, in the majestic national anthem, the opening ceremony of another session of the opening class of Wanda Special Class was opened. Mr. Li Yongxian, the chairman and general manager of the group company, Mr. Chen Yuewen, the deputy general manager of the company, personnel from the functional departments such as the personnel department and the technical department, as well as relevant leaders of Kaifeng University and all the students in the class attended the opening ceremony.
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  • Strengthen school-enterprise communication and deepen school-enterprise cooperation
    Strengthen school-enterprise communication and deepen school-enterprise cooperation 2019-12-12
    In order to further promote the in-depth integration of our company's cooperation with relevant colleges, improve the overall strength of school running, and cultivate more skilled talents that are suitable for the company's development, relevant personnel of the group company, Henan Chemical Technician College, and German BBW Education Group in May 2016 On the afternoon of the 11th, a "vocational education exchange meeting" was held in the company's conference room.
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  • The company's 821 nuclear chemical commissioning and maintenance project officially started
    The company's 821 nuclear chemical commissioning and maintenance project officially started 2019-12-12
    On March 25, 2016, the China Nuclear Group 821 commissioning and maintenance project undertaken by our company officially started. This nuclear chemical commissioning and maintenance project is very different from the nuclear power projects undertaken by our company in the past. This project is a transformation project of the low-level organic waste liquid treatment project of China Nuclear Group 821 Plant. The radioactive three waste treatment project for the treatment of waste TBP / OK organic solvents has a high technical content and requires a high level of production technology. And it is required to carry out commissioning and maintenance operations on the basis of the original plant and system, the operation is more difficult.
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  • Wanna Forum-Mental Health Counselling Lecture
    Wanna Forum-Mental Health Counselling Lecture 2019-12-12
    In order to guide employees to correctly face the pressures of work and life, the group company union specially invited Ms. Bu Lianying, a master of psychology of Zhejiang University and a national second-level psychological counselor, on behalf of more than 100 Wanna employees in Jiaxing, Shanghai Jiaotong University The Multifunctional Hall of the Science and Technology Park held a lecture on "mental health counseling" with the theme of "How employees can shape the sunshine mentality".
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  • Fuqing Storage Project Department held emergency drills for hazardous chemicals and industrial safety incidents
    Fuqing Storage Project Department held emergency drills for hazardous chemicals and industrial safety incidents 2019-12-12
    The drill ends at 14:31. Participating leaders and evaluation team fully affirmed the exercise and praised the highly responsible and serious attitude of emergency personnel. During the exercise, the emergency response interface was clear, the emergency response personnel were well-organized, the incident report was clearly described, the security personnel and medical staff responded quickly, and the overall process was smooth. At the same time, the deficiencies in the exercise were pointed out. Finally, we ask everyone to firmly establish the concept of "safety first, prevention first, comprehensive management", and truly integrate safety work into our thinking and behavior.
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  • Wanna Forum-Lecture on Professional Ethics Education for Employees
    Wanna Forum-Lecture on Professional Ethics Education for Employees 2019-12-12
    In order to further improve the employees' own quality and professional ethics cultivation, and enhance their professional awareness and cooperation spirit, the company held an employee ethics education lecture in the multifunctional hall of Jiaxing Science and Technology Park, Shanghai Jiaotong University on the afternoon of April 15th.
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  • The personnel of the Fuqing Industrial Appliances Project went to Qinshan Base to exchange and benchmark successfully
    The personnel of the Fuqing Industrial Appliances Project went to Qinshan Base to exchange and benchmark successfully 2019-12-12
    In order to strengthen the exchange of advanced experience in the management of industrial appliances between Wanna Shenhe Group and China Nuclear Operation Group Qinshan Nuclear Power Base, compare the gaps and learn from each other; from March 20th to April 9th, 2016, our company organized the personnel of the Fuqing Nuclear Electrical Appliances Project A total of 7 people came to the salt for exchange and benchmarking in three batches. The scope of the benchmarking included the professional tool library, general tool library, metering tool library, oil depot, consumables library, hot tool room, and other related warehouses. , Warehouse layout and shelf arrangement, warehouse access procedures and precautions, inventory, handling of differences, calibration and maintenance of tools and other aspects.
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