Strengthen school-enterprise communication and deepen school-enterprise cooperation


Strengthen school-enterprise communication and deepen school-enterprise cooperation

                     -Henan Chemical Institute and German BBW visit our company for vocational education exchanges

In order to further promote the in-depth integration of our company's cooperation with relevant colleges, improve the overall strength of school running, and cultivate more skilled talents that are suitable for the company's development, relevant personnel of the group company, Henan Chemical Technician College, and German BBW Education Group in May 2016 On the afternoon of the 11th, a "vocational education exchange meeting" was held in the company's conference room.

In the exchange meeting between the company's general manager Li, general manager Duan and general manager Wang, principals of Henan Chemical Technologists College and BBW Education Group, the manager of the project management department introduced the company's basic situation; general manager Wang's technical capabilities, personnel qualifications, Talent training, job requirements, vocational education and employee re-education were introduced to everyone. At the same time, the company and Henan Chemical Technician College jointly held special classes to train senior engineers and technicians. The specific situation of the project was made to the relevant personnel of BBW. Details.

Mr. Wang, the BBW company, introduced the basic situation of the group to the participants. BBW is the largest vocational education institution in Berlin and Brandenburg, Germany. It has a number of learning factories and is the first German vocational education model to adopt a dual system. Education Group, which covers various fields such as academic education, vocational training, and skill upgrading, has a total of more than 300 occupation types. At the same time, President Wang gave a detailed explanation and demonstration of the purpose of the exchange, current qualifications, existing educational resources, teaching force, school running mode and advanced education methods.

During the meeting, President Yang of Henan Institute of Chemical Technologists summarized the experience of the school and our company in developing special classes for skilled talents, and exchanged and analyzed how professional and technical schools could better cooperate with school-enterprise and participants.

At the meeting, President Li exchanged and looked forward to all aspects of school-enterprise cooperation, tripartite exchanges, talent training, orientation analysis, team building, complementary advantages, and enterprise development, and hoped that this exchange meeting could be used as an opportunity to To achieve all-round and wide-ranging cooperation, build a platform, improve functions, and strengthen cooperation in attracting enterprises to enter schools, course matching, joint construction of training bases, and obtaining (recognition) of professional qualification certificates.

The exchange meeting involved teaching services, training management, career positioning, company development, etc. Through the exchange, the two sides of the school and the enterprise further clarified the focus of work and laid a good foundation for better cooperation in the next step.


