The personnel of the Fuqing Industrial Appliances Project went to Qinshan Base to exchange and benchmark successfully


In order to strengthen the exchange of advanced experience in the management of industrial appliances between Wanna Shenhe Group and China Nuclear Operation Group Qinshan Nuclear Power Base, compare the gaps and learn from each other; from March 20th to April 9th, 2016, our company organized the personnel of the Fuqing Nuclear Electrical Appliances Project A total of 7 people came to the salt for exchange and benchmarking in three batches. The scope of the benchmarking included the professional tool library, general tool library, metering tool library, oil depot, consumables library, hot tool room, and other related warehouses. , Warehouse layout and shelf arrangement, warehouse access procedures and precautions, inventory, handling of differences, calibration and maintenance of tools and other aspects.

This exchange also received the strong support and cooperation from Liu Ke and related personnel of CNNC Operation and Maintenance Support Office, and actively arranged the study and exchange between our staff and the managers of different warehouses in Qinshan No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 Plants; The on-site learning and communication not only enabled our project personnel to have a new understanding and skills improvement in the management of industrial appliances, but also promoted the close cooperation between our company and the brotherhood units of CNNC.

After the completion of the benchmarking, our project staff will also conduct a summary and analysis in a timely manner, spread the advanced experience, promote strengths and avoid weaknesses, and implement the advanced management experience of Qinshan Nuclear Power into their respective positions, so that the management level of the Fuqing Industrial Appliance Project will be improved. One step!

