• The CPC Wanna Hainan Branch launched a visit to the "Liberation of the Martyrs' Cemetery of the Battle of Hainan Island" to celebrate the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Party
    The CPC Wanna Hainan Branch launched a visit to the "Liberation of the Martyrs' Cemetery of the Battle of Hainan Island" to celebrate the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Party 2019-12-13
    To celebrate the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, on July 2nd, the CPC Wanna Hainan Party Branch organized party members to visit the "Liberation of Hainan Island Martyrs' Cemetery" to greet the party's birthday together. In the hot soil of Hainan, there were countless people with lofty ideals who stood up for the liberation of the people and dedicated themselves heroically. On July 2, the CPC Wanna Hainan Party branch visited the martyr's cemetery, recalling history and remembering the martyrs.
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  • Party branch organization "Party members, family members walk into nuclear power"
    Party branch organization "Party members, family members walk into nuclear power" 2019-12-13
    In order to celebrate the 95th anniversary of the founding of the party, on June 28, in order to allow party members and their families to better understand nuclear power, understand nuclear power, and support the development of nuclear power, the Qinshan Nuclear Power Group's preparatory work office jointly organized a "Party, Family members walked into nuclear power "to visit and exchange. The activity received the active participation and active cooperation of the majority of party members and their families.
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  • Optimize the construction of party members and enhance the vitality of grass-roots party organizations
    Optimize the construction of party members and enhance the vitality of grass-roots party organizations 2019-12-13
    In order to implement the documentary requirements of the Central Organization Department and the Municipal and County Party Committee Organization Department on the centralized investigation of the organization of party members, the party should be in charge of the party and the party should be strictly controlled to the management of party members. Party members were included in the effective management of the party organization. The general branch of Wanner formulated a detailed investigation plan and conducted a large number of archives inspections in the early stage. On March 22, 2016, separate conferences for the deployment of party members were held.
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  • Party branches carry out party member pioneer commitment activities
    Party branches carry out party member pioneer commitment activities 2019-12-13
    In mid-March, according to the deployment of the Haiyan County Party Committee Organization Department and Wuyuan Subdistrict Organization Office, the party branch of Wanna Shenhe Holding Group organized a party member's pioneer commitment activity. During the period, all members of the party proceeded from the actual situation of work and life, carefully filled out post commitments, livelihood commitments and discussed the pioneer commitments of the branch.
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  • The company specially invited the national player Wang Ye to guide Haiyan Go
    The company specially invited the national player Wang Ye to guide Haiyan Go 2019-12-13
    On February 12, Wanna Shenhe Holding Group Co., Ltd. and the Haiyan Go Association jointly held a Chinese New Year Go tournament, which attracted many Go fans in Haiyan and Qinshan Nuclear Power. What makes all fans of Go enjoyable is this time: In this exchange match, our company also specially invited the national player Wang Ye to guide everyone. As a professional chess player, Wang Ye not only has extraordinary chess skills, but also plays against 8 players at the same time. He also exchanges experiences with each player after the war, and conducts game guidance with young players individually, making the fans in the game feel different atmosphere .
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  • Company Guangyuan Party Branch organized party members to study in Red Revolution Education Base
    Company Guangyuan Party Branch organized party members to study in Red Revolution Education Base 2019-12-13
    In order to further strengthen the party organization building of the Guangyuan Party branch, improve the party spirit cultivation of all party members, strengthen the party spirit concept and purpose awareness, and promote the in-depth education of party members and cadres. In commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, the party branch of Guangyuan organized party members at home to go to Cangxi Red Army to study the spirit of the revolutionary ancestors "Long March". On the ground, feel the revolutionary story that can sing and weep, remember the martyrs, and educate the present.
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  • Red Army Long March Road Tracking
    Red Army Long March Road Tracking 2019-12-13
    On July 4, 2015, a study group of the Communist Party of China organized by the Wanyan Company's Haiyan Party Branch made a special trip to Nanxun, Huzhou to study and visit, to experience the arduous revolutionary journey of the Long March Road of the Chinese Red Army, and vividly launched a party mass education course.
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