Optimize the construction of party members and enhance the vitality of grass-roots party organizations


Optimize the construction of party members and strengthen the vitality of grassroots party organizations

—— "Concentrated investigation of party organization relations"

In order to implement the documentary requirements of the Central Organization Department and the Municipal and County Party Committee Organization Department on the centralized investigation of the organization of party members, the party should be in charge of the party and the party should be strictly controlled to the management of party members. Party members were included in the effective management of the party organization. The general branch of Wanner formulated a detailed investigation plan and conducted a large number of archives inspections in the early stage. On March 22, 2016, separate conferences for the deployment of party members were held.

In the afternoon, the comrades of the party members came to the Qin'er Factory early to appreciate the new changes in the factory and exchanged work and life. The meeting officially started at 14:00. Secretary Xu Jiayi attended the meeting and made a speech. Secretary Xu first preached and conveyed the spirit of the superior document, arranged the deployment of organizational relationship investigations, and emphasized that the general party branch carefully organized the investigation, clarified job responsibilities, strengthened organizational leadership, and strived to implement the work carefully and strictly; Ensure that the organization's disposal is strict, serious, and orderly; strengthen overall coordination and enhance the effectiveness of investigations on the relationship between the inbound and outbound party organizations. The main purpose of the conference was introduced. Then lead everyone to review and fill in the information one by one. The meeting was very efficient, and the party members filled out the information on the spot for preparation.

The intensive investigation of the organization relationship of party members has been carried out in an orderly manner. From the initial mobilization and deployment to the search and management, to the management and disposal, the final analysis and conclusion are of little detail. Secretary Xu Jiayi said in his concluding speech that the reason why this investigation can be smoothly promoted at all levels is inseparable from the joint efforts of all party members. Based on the verification of party membership information, understanding of the number of mobile party members, rationalization of party member organizational relations, and soundness The purpose of the archives of party members is to truly seize the opportunity of centralized investigation of organizational relationships, to truly administer the party strictly, to ensure that every party member can be included in the effective management of party organizations, and to further optimize the construction of party members.

At the end of the meeting, in order to ensure that no one party member was missed in the investigation, comprehensive coverage was required, the identity information of all party members was verified, and the investigation was carried out in an orderly and quality manner.

