Red Army Long March Road Tracking


Red Army Long March Road Tracking

--Wanner Divine Party Branch Nanxun Red Journey

On July 4, 2015, a study group of the Communist Party of China organized by the Wanyan Company's Haiyan Party Branch made a special trip to Nanxun, Huzhou to study and visit, to experience the arduous revolutionary journey of the Long March Road of the Chinese Red Army, and vividly launched a party mass education course. .

Drizzle, under the guidance of the tour guide, we started the red journey of Nanxun. The party branch launched the party flag at the gate of the scenic spot to witness the event.

The main destination of the visit was "Wenyuan" (Red Army Long March Tracking Museum), which is a patriotic education base in Zhejiang Province. The museum displays pictures, materials and related items of the Red Army Long March. With professional explanation. Led by Comrade Party Secretary Xu Jiayi, party members and cadres came to the Red Army Long March Tracking Museum to trace the tracks of great men and remember the revolutionary martyrs.

With a sincere mood, everyone visited the exhibition halls of the museum in turn, carefully listened to the explanations, carefully recorded and understood the various scenes of the Long March of the Red Army in the past, watched a series of historical pictures, and felt moving stories. China was strongly shaken by the spirit and expressed that it is necessary to use Comrade Mao Zedong and other veteran Red Army as a model, strictly demand themselves by the standards of Communist Party members, integrate their wisdom and youth into the party's cause and practical work, and use practical actions The party's mass line will always be a loyal defender of the party and the people.



