Party branches carry out party member pioneer commitment activities


In mid-March, according to the deployment of the Haiyan County Party Committee Organization Department and Wuyuan Subdistrict Organization Office, the party branch of Wanna Shenhe Holding Group organized a party member's pioneer commitment activity. During the period, all members of the party proceeded from the actual situation of work and life, carefully filled out post commitments, livelihood commitments and discussed the pioneer commitments of the branch.

In the initiative to strive for excellence, the party branch of Wanna Shenhe Holding Group insisted on carrying out the pioneer commitment activities as an important content of the "Red Boat Pioneer" initiative to strive for excellence, as an internal motivation to stimulate party organizations and party members, and to ensure that activities were achieved It is an important way to achieve effective results, and implements the activity of "open commitment to pioneer pilots" to promote the status of various grass-roots party organizations and the majority of Communist Party members. Pioneers promise to "do" and serve the masses.

Commitment to action is what made the pioneer commitment and the fact-finding director into a swearing oath, and became a vivid practice of practicing the party's mass line. Through this pioneering commitment activity, the party organization and party members' consciousness of contacting and serving the masses has been strengthened, and a good foundation has been laid for further exerting the role of the party members' pioneering exemplary role, comprehensively improving party members' ability to create first place, and serving the masses.

