China will build a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient energy system in 2016


China will build a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient energy system in 2016

Source: China Energy News Date: 2016-01-04

    Recently, the one-day 2016 National Energy Work Conference was held in Beijing, with more than 200 people including central and local energy directors and relevant department heads, and representatives of energy industry companies.

Xu Shaoshi, director of the National Development and Reform Commission, pointed out at the meeting that China ’s energy development is currently in a strategic transition period and is experiencing a profound production and consumption revolution. The national energy system must accurately grasp the new normal and new characteristics of economic development, and fully understand that speed change is a must for development. During the economic stage, structural changes are the internal requirements for the industry to move towards the mid- to high-end level, and power conversion is the fundamental way out for energy development.

At the meeting, Nur Bekli, deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission and director of the National Energy Administration, made a report entitled "Being brave enough to work hard to build a clean, low-carbon, safe, and efficient modern energy system." A comprehensive review of 2015 and even the "Twelve The achievements and problems of China's energy work during the “Five-Year Plan” period, and the 2016 energy work goals and implementation path will be deployed.

“Greening the energy structure

Noor Bakery pointed out that in 2015, in the face of complicated domestic and foreign environments and increasing downward pressure on the economy, the national energy system proactively adapted to the new normal of economic development, changed its ideas, pioneered, and worked solidly, and made new achievements in various tasks. progress.

In 2015, China's energy supply was generally stable and energy supply and demand were relatively loose. It is estimated that the total energy production for the year will be 3.58 billion tons of standard coal, a year-on-year decrease of 0.5%; the total energy consumption for the year will be 4.3 billion tons of standard coal, an increase of 0.9% year-on-year It is the lowest growth rate since 1998, and the trend of deceleration of energy consumption shift is obvious. Among them, the proportion of non-fossil energy consumption was 12%, an increase of 0.8 percentage points over the previous year, and the proportion of coal consumption was 64.4%, a year-on-year decrease of 1.7 percentage points.

At the same time, the trend of "greening" of China's energy structure is obvious, and the energy structure is further optimized. Noor Bakery pointed out in the report that by the end of 2015, China ’s hydropower, wind power and photovoltaic power generation capacity are expected to reach 320 million kilowatts, 120 million kilowatts, and 43 million kilowatts, respectively, and the total installed capacity of renewable energy power generation in the country will reach about 480 million kilowatts. . At the same time, under the premise of safety first, in 2015, China's newly-produced nuclear power generating units 8.2 million kilowatts, approved to start nuclear power units 8.8 million kilowatts, the country's operating nuclear power units reached 25.5 million kilowatts; under construction and approved units 32.30 million kilowatts, The construction scale ranks first in the world.

It is worth noting that, taking the opportunity to implement air pollution prevention and control tasks, China has also achieved significant results in promoting clean and efficient use of energy in 2015. In terms of promoting the upgrading of coal-fired energy conservation and emission reduction, a total of 180 million kilowatts of energy-saving transformation capacity and 78.47 million kilowatts of ultra-low emission transformation capacity were arranged throughout the year. In promoting the clean development and utilization of coal, we eliminated 4.23 million kilowatts of backward thermal power units, eliminated more than 1,000 backward coal mines, and produced more than 70 million tons.

2015 is the closing year of the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan". Looking at a wider time frame, China's energy industry has also achieved positive results during the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" period.

It is reported that during the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" period, China's average annual energy growth rate of 3.6% ensured a 7.8% growth rate of the national economy. The cumulative energy consumption per unit of GDP fell by 18.2%, exceeding the 16% reduction target. The rapid development of clean energy, hydropower, nuclear power, wind power, and solar power installed capacity increased by 1.4 times, 2.6 times, 4 times and 168 times, respectively, driving the proportion of non-fossil energy consumption increased by 2.6 percentage points. Energy conservation and environmental protection have achieved remarkable results. The national standard coal consumption per kilowatt-hour power supply for thermal power units of 6000 kW and above has decreased by 17 grams, and the cumulative emissions of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and soot from thermal power units have decreased by 33%, 35%, and 39%, respectively. In addition, China ’s per capita energy consumption and per capita electricity consumption increased by 15.7% and 29% respectively, and the population of residents using gas increased by 1.8 times.

 Five major contradictions in energy development during the 13th Five-Year Plan

Noor Bekley emphasized that the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period is the decisive period for the first century-long struggle to build a well-off society in an all-round way and achieve the "two-hundred-year" goal set by the Party Central Committee. Critical period.

At the same time, Nur Bekli pointed out that during the "13th Five-Year Plan" period, China's energy development also faces many contradictions and challenges. First, the contradiction of excess capacity of traditional energy has intensified. Coal may face a long-term overcapacity situation, and the emergence of excess power is becoming increasingly apparent. In addition, the primary processing capacity of crude oil has exceeded 700 million tons, and the capacity utilization rate is less than 70%.

"If we don't pay attention to grasping market trends and laws and pursuing one-sided expansion of production capacity, it will cause an increasingly serious overcapacity situation in the future."

Second, the overall operating efficiency of the energy system needs to be improved. The energy system has insufficient peak shaving capacity. The power system mainly relies on thermal power units for peak shaving. The ability to absorb renewable energy from the grid is poor, the system efficiency is low, and pollution emissions are large. The construction of natural gas storage peak shaving is lagging.

Thirty-three is the bottleneck of renewable energy development. The problems of abandoning wind and light in the "Three Norths" region and the abandonment of water in the southwest region have intensified. The wind abandonment rate in some areas has exceeded 30%, and the problem of abandoning light in the Northwest has begun to appear. During the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period, the installed scale of hydropower, wind power and photovoltaic power generation will further expand, and renewable energy consumption will face greater pressure.

The fourth task is the arduous task of cleaning and replacing terminal energy consumption. Implementing natural gas, electricity to replace fossil energy sources such as coal and petroleum is an important way to achieve energy conservation, emission reduction and structural optimization. The replacement of natural gas is restricted by the system and mechanism factors such as price and gas pipeline network, and the replacement of power also faces constraints such as cost, infrastructure, and key technologies.

Fifth, the problem of resource and environment constraints is more prominent. Water resources have become an important constraint for energy development. At the same time, the situation of air pollution and the response to climate change is severe, and it is urgent to accelerate the adjustment of energy structure and increase the supply of clean energy.

Strive to build a modern energy system

Based on the summary of the nation ’s energy work in 2015 and the study of the development prospects of the energy industry during the “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan”, the meeting requested that in 2016 energy work strive to build a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient modern energy system, and promote stable and far-reaching economic and social development. The specific goals include:

The energy structure is further optimized. Non-fossil energy consumption accounted for 13.2% of primary energy consumption, coal consumption dropped to less than 62.6%, and natural gas consumption increased to 6.2%. The proportion of non-fossil energy power generation installed capacity increased to 35.7%, of which the proportion of wind power increased to 8.6%, and the proportion of solar power generation increased to 3.9%.

Further effective control of total energy consumption. The total primary energy consumption is about 4.36 billion tons of standard coal, the whole society consumes about 5.7 trillion kilowatt hours, the coal consumption is about 3.96 billion tons, the apparent oil consumption is about 550 million tons, and the apparent consumption of natural gas is 205 billion cubic meters. about.

 Energy supply guarantee capabilities have been further strengthened. Total primary energy production is about 3.6 billion tons of standard coal, of which coal output is about 3.7 billion tons, oil output is about 220 million tons, natural gas production (including shale gas and coal bed gas) is about 140 billion cubic meters, and non-fossil energy power generation is 1.7 Trillion kilowatt hours.

 Energy efficiency is further improved. Thermal power plants consume 315 grams of coal per kilowatt-hour of electricity, a decrease of 1 gram year-on-year. The abandonment of wind and light dropped significantly.

 In order to achieve the above goals, we must do a good job in a number of tasks, including the preparation and implementation of the “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan” energy plan, as well as coordinating and optimizing the increase and adjusting the inventory, and strive to build a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient energy supply system.

On the one hand, we must vigorously develop non-fossil energy sources and accelerate the development of wind power and solar energy, including promoting the construction of the first batch of CSP demonstration projects with a scale of about 1 million kilowatts. In 2016, we will strive to add more than 20 million kilowatts of wind power and new photovoltaic power generation. More than 15 million kilowatts of installed capacity. At the same time, actively develop hydropower, accelerate the construction of southwest hydropower bases, and develop nuclear power safely and efficiently, steadily advance the approval of a number of new coastal nuclear power projects, start construction of the CAP1400 demonstration project, and promote the further integration of "Hualong One" technology. In addition, we must actively promote the development of geothermal energy and biomass energy.

On the other hand, we must develop fossil energy in a scientific and orderly manner, especially the orderly development of coal power, effectively control the scale of coal power production capacity, eliminate outdated thermal power production capacity, and strengthen coal industry regulation, strive to resolve excess coal production capacity, and accelerate the elimination of outdated production capacity. At the same time, we will moderately accelerate conventional oil and gas exploration and development, increase conventional oil and gas reserves and stabilize production, and actively develop unconventional oil and gas resources to promote the large-scale development and utilization of shale gas and coalbed methane.