"Nuclear Safety Culture Campus Tour" Activities in Tsinghua University


"Nuclear Safety Culture Campus Tour" Activities in Tsinghua University



At the end of the year, the city was sighed with a red warning of smog. At the same time, at Tsinghua University, one of China's top universities, a discussion focusing on green nuclear energy and fresh air is ongoing.

"I am from the School of Economics and Management. Will there be an accident like Fukushima at a nuclear power plant in China?" "I am from the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Is nuclear power a clean source of energy? Will there be radiation?" Haze? "" I'm from the School of Journalism. People talk about nuclear discoloration. What responsibility should the media bear? "" I'm from the School of Chemistry. Can nuclear power stations be visited? "

This is a scene from the lecture series of "Nuclear Safety Culture Campus" held at Tsinghua University on the afternoon of December 17. This event is jointly organized by Tsinghua University and the Information Institute of the Nuclear and Radiation Safety Center of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, and has been included in the "Cultural Quality Education Lectures" course of Tsinghua University. Special actions to provide relevant publicity and education to school students and improve students' awareness of nuclear power, nuclear and radiation.

"It is now the third and the last one of the year. The first two lectures were taught by Zhao Yongkang, Deputy Director of the Nuclear Facilities Safety Supervision Department of the Nuclear Safety Administration and Tang Bo, Deputy Director of the Nuclear Power Safety Supervision Department." According to Tsinghua University Engineering Physics According to the introduction of the department's teacher Wu Qi, it may be the concern on smog and environmental issues. The activity attracted enthusiasm as soon as the event entered Tsinghua University. In total, more than 300 students participated in the lecture, covering 31 departments.

"Through the event, we have a new understanding of public communication-to increase public confidence, we must start with the popularization of knowledge, take experience and participation as the process, and the industry continues to work hard to achieve public acceptance." The lecturer of the third lecture, from Nuclear Summarize the activity with Chen Xiaoqiu, deputy chief engineer of the Radiation Safety Center.

Public communication needs to build a three-dimensional platform

On October 31st, Tsinghua University's Xiyuan Ladder Classroom, this classroom with the style of the University of Virginia in the United States was full. The first show of "Nuclear Safety Culture Campus Tour" kicked off here.

"Communication should start with the popularization of knowledge. The development of campus activities itself is to popularize nuclear energy knowledge. With the high traits of young students in colleges and universities, we hope that they will go out of the campus and spread to the masses, so as to further increase social awareness of nuclear energy." And Wang Xiaofeng, director of the Information Research Institute of the Center for Radiation Safety, introduced this.

Based on this idea, Tsinghua University and the Nuclear and Radiation Safety Center planned three levels of lectures: The first lecture is to look at China's nuclear power safety from the perspective of national regulation. In the second lecture, China's nuclear power is unsafe from the perspective of technological development. In the third lecture, China's nuclear power is unsafe from the perspective of public acceptance. To this end, the Nuclear Safety Administration has sent two deputy directors graduated from Tsinghua University and authoritative experts in nuclear and radiation safety to give special lectures.

What the organizers did not expect was that as soon as the lecture news was released, many students showed great interest. Every lecture, everyone listened attentively, and actively asked questions during the discussion and interaction. In particular, exchanges were made with the speaker on issues such as the site selection of Chinese nuclear power plants, the impact of radiation from nuclear power plants on the public, and nuclear safety supervision.

"The popularization of popular science knowledge is particularly important. The basis of communication is that both parties are on the same platform." Professor Wu Qifan said, "Through popular science lectures, everyone has more curiosity about nuclear energy." "Early hearing is false, seeing is believing. . Can I walk into the nuclear power plant and take a look? "During the lecture, female classmates from the School of Journalism at Tsinghua University expressed their opinions on behalf of everyone.

 In order to satisfy everyone's curiosity, Tsinghua University and the Information Institute of the Nuclear and Radiation Safety Center also arranged practical activities for student representatives to enter nuclear power. "There is knowledge popularization and personal participation. I hope that this three-dimensional public communication platform we build will allow everyone to understand nuclear safety from different perspectives and build confidence in nuclear safety." Chen Xiaoqiu said.

Public communication requires continuous efforts across the industry

In addition to building a three-dimensional communication platform, improving the public's confidence requires sustained efforts from the entire industry. This point is well understood by the National Nuclear Safety Administration.

In 2015, the National Nuclear Safety Administration, together with relevant ministries and commissions, China National Nuclear Corporation, China Guangdong Nuclear Power Group, and National Nuclear Power, jointly held the first public opening event for the entire nuclear industry in China, and made efforts to promote nationwide nuclear safety culture publicity. "This campus activity is not only a continuation of the above activities, but also the continuous development of the industry."

It is understood that this nuclear safety culture campus event went to Tsinghua University and not only attracted the attention of students from various departments of Tsinghua University, but also leaders and experts from the Ministry of Environmental Protection, the Nuclear Safety Administration, the Communist Youth League, China Nuclear Group, China Guangdong Nuclear Power Group, Huaneng Group and other units. Media reporters such as China Nuclear Industry News, China Environment News, and Xinhua Education Channel also participated in the lectures, and worked together to make suggestions and suggestions for the follow-up activities of the campus.

"Next year, we can combine forums, debates, knowledge contests, and organize summer practice and summer camps for middle school students to step out of campus, into other colleges and high schools, and conduct inter-school interaction.", "Campus activities can be open to the public with major groups. Combined development, so that students can better enter nuclear power. "," Cooperate with the media, open WeChat, use new media means to carry out science education, show the style of activities. "," Can carry out social survey activities for students to get students out of campus Collect and research the public nuclear energy psychology. "..." Hearing so many suggestions from everyone, our campus activities will be more colorful next year, and it will definitely help the entire society's awareness and acceptance of nuclear energy. "Wang Xiaofeng said.

The Stones of Sunda Mountain: Introduction to French Nuclear Public Communication Experience

1. Independent monitoring and transparency are the keys to gaining public trust

Each area must have a regional information committee. All types of nuclear facilities have corresponding information committees for nuclear safety information tracking and consultation. Each year, the Commission prepares a public activity report to inform the public, and nuclear power plants also provide the Commission with information related to nuclear safety and the environment. The members of these committees are well-known local figures, such as local politicians, representatives of professional federations, environmental protection associations, local government personnel, and so on. There are currently 38 regional information boards in France.

2. Consultation and public participation can increase acceptance by all stakeholders

 The traditional practice of the government or experts to persuade people to accept decision-making and risk information easily raises public doubts about its objectivity. In France, when it comes to regional democracy, a special committee (the National Public Debate Committee) decides whether an open debate needs to be organized. EDF often takes the initiative to involve all stakeholders in the decision-making process in a transparent way, so as to win the broad support of the public.

3. Comprehensive communication strategy helps to increase public trust and acceptance

A comprehensive communication strategy should be based on real-time communication on the all-media platform, which will help increase public trust and acceptance.

France publishes information briefings, media reports, cooperation information with regional information commissions, etc. of nuclear facilities on the Internet every week; monthly releases of nuclear facility operation, environmental conditions, toll-free phone numbers; organizes visits to nuclear power plants more than 2,000 times each year; French nuclear facilities spokespersons are those who have technical knowledge and can translate complex scientific information into a language that is easily understood by the general public. The answer to media questions at nuclear power plants is staffed with professional skills and best able to represent internal nuclear power plants.

4. Social and economic planning is the real capital for public support

 During the entire life cycle of a nuclear power plant, the establishment of a socio-economic plan that accompanies nuclear power projects can become a real capital for public support, which is also an important part of reducing group risk perceptions and enhancing group acceptance.

In France, this type of activity is called “big construction site”, which means socio-economic planning accompanying large projects, including: education and training related to project recruitment, infrastructure financing, and long-term employment in close cooperation with local stakeholders. plan.

5. Cross-regional cooperation keeps the opinions of neighboring areas from being blocked

Given the potential huge impact of nuclear power plants and the extreme sensitivity of the masses to nuclear facilities, there are vital interests among countries and regions for cross-border cooperation.

For example, the Fessenheim nuclear power plant in France is close to the French-German border. Construction of the nuclear power plant began, and the competent authorities of the two countries approached and established a bilateral permanent agency to handle all issues of mutual interest related to nuclear safety, radiation protection and emergency planning. The important purpose of this bilateral cooperation is to protect the legitimate interests and security of neighboring countries by providing sufficiently clear information. At the same time, it is convenient for the other party to respond quickly to the local public and promptly remove rumors. (This article is organized according to the public lecture of Jia Feng, director of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Education Center)