Chinese representative calls for deepening peaceful uses of nuclear energy and technology


Chinese representative calls for deepening peaceful uses of nuclear energy and technology

Source: Xinhua Net News Date: 2015-11-19

    Xinhuanet, United Nations, November 17. China ’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Liu Jieyi, called on the International Atomic Energy Agency to promote the deepening of the peaceful use of nuclear energy and nuclear technology, especially to increase assistance to developing countries.

 The 70th session of the General Assembly held a meeting on the report of the International Atomic Energy Agency. Liu Jieyi said in his speech that at present, the international community's understanding of nuclear energy is becoming more rational, global nuclear energy has maintained a general development trend, and nuclear technology is increasingly widely used. Global governance in the nuclear field has been deepened, the universality of nuclear safeguard supervision has continued to increase, and global nuclear safety and nuclear security have further improved. On the other hand, the situation of international nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear security is still grim, and the risk of nuclear terrorism cannot be ignored.

 Liu Jieyi said that China encourages the International Atomic Energy Agency to actively promote technical cooperation, especially to increase assistance to developing countries and share the results of nuclear energy development. China looks forward to the establishment of a modern nuclear technology application laboratory at an early date, and will again provide an additional donation of 2 million euros to the laboratory.

 Liu Jieyi also called on the International Atomic Energy Agency to improve the effectiveness and impartiality of the safeguards system, improve global nuclear energy safety and nuclear safety, and participate objectively and fairly in handling hot issues.

He said that China appreciates the positive role played by the agency in promoting a comprehensive agreement on the Iranian nuclear issue and supports the agency's implementation of safeguards and nuclear related supervision and verification activities in accordance with Security Council resolutions and comprehensive agreements. It is hoped that the agency will continue to strictly adhere to its mandate, maintain an objective and fair position, and play a constructive role in promoting dialogue and consultation to peacefully resolve nuclear issues in other regions.

Liu Jieyi said that this year marks the 60th anniversary of the founding of China's nuclear industry. After 60 years of hard work, China's nuclear energy development has achieved remarkable results, and nuclear safety, nuclear security, and nuclear emergency levels have continued to improve. China will continue to maintain close and comprehensive cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency to jointly contribute to the peaceful, safe and efficient use of nuclear energy for all mankind.