Nuclear science popularization needs to transform to public communication


Nuclear science popularization needs to transform to public communication

Source: China Nuclear Industry Magazine Date: 2015-11-13

    A few days ago, China Nuclear Energy Industry Association organized experts to evaluate the public communication work of the Taohuajiang Nuclear Power Project. The evaluation results show that the government-dominated, government-enterprise-enterprise, public participation mechanism of full participation and communication methods suitable for local characteristics formed by Taohuajiang Nuclear Power can provide a model for peers to promote in the industry.

This is the third time the Nuclear Industry Association has held a similar public communication assessment. Three assessments in three years have made the nuclear energy industry association feel that public communication has become more and more important in the development of the nuclear energy industry.

China's nuclear energy public communication work has not been carried out for a long time and is not rich in experience. The public communication of nuclear energy involves a wide range of factors and many influencing factors, which makes this work very difficult. On this basis, once public opposition occurs, the complexity of the problem and the public's "no rules to follow" situation will become more prominent.

The author has interviewed a member of a non-governmental volunteer environmental protection group who visited the nuclear power science popularization exhibition hall. This member raised a very acute question that is also relevant to the current public communication: The current nuclear power publicity basically stays at "What can I guarantee? "Nuclear power is not an issue" without publicly telling the public "what are the hazards and hidden dangers of nuclear power". What impact will these hidden dangers have once they occur?

I should see: Prior to the Fukushima nuclear accident, the science and popularization work of nuclear power in China was basically at an early stage, that is, "you speak and I listen" belongs to indoctrination science popularization. Now, with the improvement of public cultural level, nuclear power science has entered a new stage of dialogue with each other and the need for careful communication. Since the Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan, China's nuclear power public communication has become more urgent and difficult.

Borrowed from an expert of the National Nuclear Safety Administration, there are the following problems in the current public communication of nuclear energy: First, "heavy science popularization and light information disclosure". Due to concerns about the public's concern, some sensitive information "can not be disclosed It will not be public "; two," emphasis on one-way publicity, but light on two-way communication "; insufficient collection, collation and feedback of public opinions; three," emphasis on post-event response, neglect of prior communication ", some units have invested in public opinion Enough power, but not enough attention to public propaganda and early participation, resulting in some of the emergent problems could not be found in time or properly resolved, and then fermented into hot issues or public opinion incidents.

Strengthening public communication will inevitably bring about the awakening of public awareness and more public attention to nuclear safety. This is a pain that must be experienced by people in the nuclear energy community. We should not communicate less or even not because we are afraid of this process. Rather than responding passively after a crisis, take the initiative to guide and prevent in advance. The problem of public communication must be solved by communication. Establishing the public's confidence requires a dripping stone to work for a long time.

At present, the public as the center has become the general trend of nuclear public communication. Therefore, research experts in public communication point out that there are several misunderstandings for the public: first, the public is not necessarily rational, and what can be perceived is realistic for them; second, the public is not a general object The public has distinctive characteristics and different needs, and needs to be classified and communicated. Third, the nuclear energy public is not stupid, they can be affected, and their attitudes will change. Fourth, the nuclear energy public is not necessarily unreasonable, giving them the right to know Participation and decision-making power are both challenges and opportunities.

The current nuclear energy public has developed from a complete lack of knowledge of nuclear knowledge, or has only a half-knowledge, to gradually learning, and some audiences are even in-depth understanding of the state of nuclear energy knowledge. From the "ignorant" information receivers to the rights subjects who need to be categorized, the changing trend of the nuclear energy public also deserves careful observation, summarization, and research by the industry. (Jinfeng)