China's nuclear power equipment manufacturing industry is world-class


China's nuclear power equipment manufacturing industry is world-class

Source: Dongjiang Times. Date: 2015-03-09.

    China's nuclear power equipment companies have qualitatively improved their R & D capabilities, manufacturing levels, and management processes. They are now one of the most important nuclear power equipment producers in the world. Because of its strong equipment manufacturing capabilities, China's nuclear power construction has the lowest cost and the highest cost performance, and has a clear competitive advantage compared with international equivalent safety models.

Equipment localization rate is over 80%, forming a complete industrial chain

A nuclear power plant has about 65,000 sets of main and auxiliary equipment, which is not only large in quantity, but also has high requirements for reliability and safety. Since the construction of the Qinshan Nuclear Power Station in the 1980s, China has always attached great importance to the autonomy of nuclear power equipment. At present, the localization rate of equipment is more than 80%. Key equipment can be independently developed. A complete nuclear power industry chain has basically formed. The equipment manufacturing industry has Reached world-class level.

Through AP1000 autonomy relying on project construction and CAP1400 major projects, China ’s nuclear power equipment has achieved a major leap from the second to third generation, key equipment of the third generation of nuclear power has basically been domestically produced, and nuclear power equipment manufacturing capabilities have the comparative advantage of participating in international competition.

The design life of the second generation is 30 to 40 years, and the third generation is extended to 60 years. The life is doubled. The requirements for materials are completely different, and the manufacturing process has also changed. For example, the main parts such as the main pipeline and the main pump used to be cast, but now they are forged. The quality of materials and the accuracy of the equipment have been improved accordingly.

近 Nearly 30 generating units under construction, the world's leading nuclear power plant construction capacity

At present, there are nearly 30 units under construction in China, accounting for 42% of the global nuclear machine assembly capacity under construction, the largest in the world. During the uninterrupted construction process of more than 30 years, China Nuclear Construction has accumulated experience on the one hand, and actively learned from international counterparts on the other, and has continuously improved its construction capabilities while introducing, digesting, absorbing, and innovating.

At present, China Nuclear Construction maintains its leading edge and leading position in the nuclear island construction field with mature processes and technologies that can withstand the test and verification. Recognized and praised by international peers as the world's leading nuclear power construction company.

10On October 22, 2011, the world's first nuclear power construction international training center was listed in China's nuclear construction. This is the only international nuclear power construction international training organization established by the International Atomic Energy Agency.