The nuclear power industry is moving towards a competitive age


The nuclear power industry is moving towards a competitive age

Source: China Energy News Date: 2015-01-21

    It seems appropriate to use "competitive dependence" to describe the current and future situation of the nuclear energy industry in the world. Although China is already a potential competitor, deepening and upgrading cooperation in competition is likely to be the best way to achieve a win-win situation.

On January 15, the "2015 World Nuclear Focus" seminar co-sponsored by the World Nuclear Association (WNA) and the Chinese Nuclear Society was held in Beijing. The core topic of the conference was the global nuclear energy market cooperation trend and China's important role . WNA Director General Agneta Rising believes that the world needs clean energy to solve many real-world problems, and nuclear energy will play a key role. "At present, more than a third of the world's nuclear power projects under construction are in China, which is of great significance to the development of global nuclear energy."

Li Guanxing, chairman of the Chinese Nuclear Society and a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, said that China will become the world's largest nuclear power market for a long time from now to the future. It is increasingly obvious that this has benefited the development of the global nuclear energy cause.

Accelerated supply chain globalization

At present, the global nuclear power industry is accelerating its integration, increasing joint ventures, and increasingly globalizing its supply chain. The new development environment brings more and more opportunities and challenges.

The International Atomic Energy Agency ’s expectations for the development of world nuclear power in August this year stated that the world ’s nuclear power will maintain its growth trend in 2030 and beyond. Among them, under low scenarios, nuclear power will maintain a growth rate of 8% by 2030, and installed capacity will reach 373GW to 401GW; under high scenarios, installed capacity may reach 700GW, with the growth rate rising to 88%.

 The latest supply chain report (2013) completed by the World Nuclear Association (WNA) shows that by 2030, the total planned purchase of new nuclear power will reach US $ 1.2 trillion, of which international procurement will reach US $ 575 billion.

Analysts point out that nuclear power is a technology and capital-intensive industry. Under the premise of ensuring safety, efficient cooperation between the owner and the entire supply chain is the key to achieving its economy. "No company can do everything, there will always be room for cooperation."

For China's nuclear power industry, the door to the world market has just opened.

It is understood that the various cooperation documents signed by Chinese nuclear power companies and foreign companies have been extended to the entire nuclear power industry chain including nuclear power technical services, engineering construction, equipment supply, nuclear power plant operation and maintenance, fuel supply, decommissioning, and waste disposal. . But in the above-mentioned cooperation, ‘I have you’ is the most common situation, and Chinese suppliers ’“ going global ”is still in its infancy.

"The formation of a global supply chain is not only a manifestation of international division of labor, but also means that companies will choose the most competitive partners around the world according to their own needs. And what model does Chinese suppliers strive to participate in overseas? Opportunities for construction of nuclear power projects have already begun to try. "Said the analysts.

11 In November 2014, the French power company (EDF), which led the development of the Hinkley Point C nuclear power project in the UK, and the Chinese consortium participating in the project jointly held a China supply chain promotion conference. From the perspective of the Chinese consortium, it is likely that in the future, it will create more opportunities for Chinese suppliers through independent bidding or subcontracting cooperation.

Face to competition, cooperation and transformation

 As a partner and a competitor, how do you understand seemingly contradictory relationships?

From the introduction of foreign technology to digestion and absorption and independent innovation, "cooperation" is one of the key words of China's nuclear power development in the past 30 years. EDF, Areva, Westinghouse, Candu Energy, and other foreign companies that are closely related to China's nuclear power industry, are also thinking about how to continue to seize China's new power in the nuclear power industry.

 Song Xudan, CEO of EDF China Holdings, revealed that in the UK nuclear power market, China will not only be limited to investing and becoming one of its shareholders, but will also become an EDF partner in the construction and operation sectors. "Through three projects, including the Hinckley Point C project, China's equipment manufacturing industry can gradually enter the British market."

 Audobo, senior executive vice president of Areva Group, also said that through more than 30 years of cooperation with China, Areva has gradually transformed from a technology supplier to a long-term partner of Chinese enterprises. "The market is constantly developing, and the cooperation between Areva and China must also be continuously adjusted. By establishing joint ventures and other methods, we can expand and win more markets."

The information shows that currently, Areva has joint ventures in China with Oriental Areva Nuclear Pump Co., Ltd., Areva (China) Nuclear Power Service Co., Ltd., China Nuclear Areva (Shanghai) Zirconium Alloy Pipe Co., Ltd., etc. The localization strategy in China was further implemented.

According to Wang Zhongtang, the chief engineer of National Nuclear Power, the State Nuclear Power is currently working with Westinghouse to develop the Turkish nuclear power market. In November 2014, the National Nuclear Power, Westinghouse Company and Turkish state-owned power generation company EUAS signed a memorandum of cooperation to launch exclusive negotiations for the development and construction of two AP1000 units and two CAP14004 units in Turkey. "The Turkish project is progressing well and the Turkish government has provided site resources."

In the expansion of overseas markets, the United States, France, Russia, Japan and South Korea and other traditional nuclear power countries have long been deployed. With the emergence of emerging markets such as Romania, South Africa, Argentina, Poland, Turkey, Vietnam, and the United Arab Emirates, a new round of competition has begun. Curtain, how to maintain long-term cooperation?

"There must be competition when there is a market. The market without competition is definitely an immature market, especially for nuclear power." Wang Zhongtang said, "Cooperate in competition, compete in cooperation. Nuclear power plants have long construction periods, and many equipment systems are complex. Extensive cooperation is required. Ensuring security and meeting customer needs are key. "

Ou Daobo also said that he should not be afraid of competition. For customers, he needs differentiated services and more choices. "New projects in the future will most likely require collaboration and services from different companies.

"The value and potential of the Chinese nuclear power market and Chinese partners are being reflected and released in a competitively dependent relationship." An industry expert at the conference told reporters.