China's nuclear energy industry puts safety and efficiency first


China's nuclear energy industry puts safety and efficiency first

Source: China Industry News Date: 2014-07-18

    Recently, Zhang Huazhu, the chairman of the China Nuclear Energy Industry Association, said that the past year was the guideline of the country ’s nuclear energy industry under the guideline of “safe and efficient development of nuclear power”. Year of progress. Under the correct leadership of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, China's nuclear energy industry has conscientiously implemented the requirements of the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" for nuclear safety and radioactive pollution prevention and the 2020 Vision, and has made steady progress in various fields and made a series of new progress. It has made positive contributions to optimizing China's energy structure, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, promoting economic and social development, and building a beautiful China.

预计 According to his prediction, this year ’s new installed nuclear power capacity will reach 8.64 million kilowatts, a year of “a bumper harvest” for the nuclear energy industry, and a crucial year for achieving the goals of the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan”. In order to achieve new and greater development in the new year, we must make good use of opportunities with innovative thinking and respond to challenges with solid work.

Promote technological progress

China's active nuclear power units operate safely and stably. In April, June 2013 and March and May 2014, Fujian Ningde Unit 1, Liaoning Hongyanhe Unit 1 and Guangdong Yangjiang Unit 1 achieved grid-connected power generation. There are currently 19 nuclear power plants in commercial operation in mainland China, with a total installed capacity of 17.01 million kilowatts. The power generation in 2013 increased by 12.6% over 2012 and accounted for 2.11% of the country's total power generation. Over the past year, each nuclear power plant has adhered to the policy of safety first and quality first, building safety barriers and ensuring the safe operation of nuclear power plants.

In 2013, 17 units did not have any level 1 and above events as defined in the international nuclear event classification table; radioactive effluent emission indicators of nuclear power plants were far below the national standard limits. According to the performance index stipulated by the World Association of Nuclear Power Operators, among more than 400 operating units in the world, China's in-service nuclear power units are generally at a moderately high level, and some of the unit's safety indicators are at the world advanced level.

Nuclear power construction is advancing steadily and orderly. On September 18, September 27, and December 23, 2013, Yangjiang No. 5, Tianwan No. 4, and Yangjiang No. 6 nuclear conductor engineering projects started. At present, there are 29 nuclear power generating units under construction in China, with an installed capacity of 31.68 million kilowatts. In 2013, the project construction investment was 60.9 billion yuan, and the scale under construction continued to remain the world's number one.

Among them, the nuclear power autonomy relies on the project to build the world's first batch of AP1000 units, and has been actively pushing forward the challenges of the first engineering. The Taishan EPR project has made significant progress.

Strengthening safety management

适应 In order to adapt to the situation of large-scale development of nuclear power, all nuclear power engineering companies actively promote professional management. At present, the level of localization and autonomy of nuclear power project construction has been continuously improved, and the general contracting capacity of the project has been further enhanced.

Nuclear power engineering construction enterprises continue to promote scientific and technological innovation and management innovation, vigorously strengthen human resources construction, and ensure that the quality, progress and investment of nuclear power engineering projects under construction are well controlled.

后 After the Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan, according to the results of comprehensive safety inspections, drawing on international research results and experience, relevant departments put forward 10 safety management improvement requirements for operating power plants. By the end of 2013, except for one research project that was progressing smoothly, all other projects had been implemented.

At the same time, the National Nuclear Safety Administration put forward 14 safety improvement requirements for power plants under construction, and all nuclear power units that were charged for the first time were all implemented before loading, and other projects under construction were progressing as planned. The implementation of the safety improvement plan has further enhanced the safety level of China's nuclear power plants.

Under the situation that the scale of nuclear power construction has been adjusted and corporate orders are declining, nuclear power equipment manufacturing companies represented by Dongfang Electric, Shanghai Electric, Harbin Electric Group, First Heavy Industry Group, Second Heavy Industry Group, etc. actively respond to market changes and increase technological improvements And R & D efforts. Efforts have been made to improve the nuclear safety culture and quality assurance system, and the stability of product quality has been continuously improved, which better meets the needs of nuclear power projects under construction. The independent development of some key equipment of AP1000 has made positive progress.

At present, the five major projects in the north have been fully launched, and the two projects in the south are progressing smoothly. China Nuclear Fuel Co., Ltd. was formally established, key nuclear fuel projects were advanced in an orderly manner, the 400-ton pressurized water reactor fuel element expansion project formed capacity, and the construction of the AP1000 fuel element production line and the high-temperature gas-cooled reactor nuclear power plant demonstration project fuel element production line proceeded as planned.

Good results have been achieved in technological innovation and talent building. The research and development and demonstration project construction of the national major science and technology project "Large Advanced Pressurized Water Reactor and High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor Nuclear Power Plant" is progressing well. CAP1400 achieved important results through preliminary design review, engineering verification and key equipment development.

In addition, international cooperation business has been continuously deepened. China and France signed a letter of intent for the peaceful use of nuclear energy, and signed a long-term joint statement with France Power Group and Areva Group. In March 2014, China and France also signed an industrial cooperation agreement on new nuclear power projects in the UK, a cooperation agreement on research and development, design, procurement and operation and maintenance of nuclear energy, and a long-term memorandum on reprocessing and recycling. China-US AP1000, China-Russia Fast Reactor and other cooperation projects have achieved good results.

At present, relevant government departments are vigorously strengthening the management of the nuclear energy industry, and advocating and implementing the newly revised emergency plan.

Coexistence of opportunities and challenges

Zhang Huazhu said that with the development of China's nuclear energy industry, safety and quality have always been long-term challenges facing the industry. Whether it is a nuclear power plant or a nuclear power engineering construction project; whether it is a nuclear power equipment manufacturing enterprise or a construction and installation enterprise, it is necessary to infiltrate the concepts of safety first and quality first into every link of the work, and to integrate the various aspects of nuclear power safety planning. Item requirements are implemented. In the situation that China's nuclear power projects have just resumed normal construction, there must be no slackness, and safety and quality requirements cannot be lowered under any pretext.

Due to the delay of some nuclear power engineering projects under construction and the prospects for the start of this year and next year are not clear enough, the 2015 nuclear power development target set in the Outline of the Twelfth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development will be difficult to achieve as scheduled. Nuclear power in 2020 There are also uncertainties in the achievement of planning goals. Therefore, on the one hand, we must go all out to strengthen management, work hard to solve problems existing in the construction of the project, and actively promote the priority deviation of the progress of construction projects. On the other hand, we must do a good job in the preliminary work of the project, do solid work, and actively create conditions to strive for a number of new projects to be started this year and next.

We must attach importance to the balanced and coordinated development of the nuclear energy industry. The nuclear energy industry has a long industrial chain, and the adjustment of nuclear power construction scale will have a great impact on many links such as natural uranium production, nuclear fuel processing, equipment manufacturing, and civil installation. At the same time, China ’s nuclear power equipment manufacturing enterprises generally have problems of overcapacity and inadequate start-up. They must be taken seriously and seriously resolved, so as to promote the substantial improvement of the technological level of China ’s nuclear power equipment manufacturing industry.