Tianwan Project Department standardized instrument calibration procedure according to 6S standard


After more than a year of hard work, overcoming difficulties such as harsh working environment and insufficient manpower for debugging, the Wanner Shenhe Tianwan BOP commissioning project ushered in gratifying work progress. After the saltwater removal system was officially transferred, our project department ’s saltwater removal team The personnel obtained the qualifications for holding tickets. The staff of the saltwater removal team refined the standards and worked in strict accordance with the commissioning procedures. Yang Shaofeng, the head of the saltwater removal team, was a teacher who was familiar with the commissioning site and the working process. He and the project manager Li Guowei led the construction of the project department school 6S standard procedures for instrument inspection.

The project department is an important part of an enterprise. The spiritual outlook and quality of the project department directly affect the success or failure of the enterprise. Nuclear power projects are our top priority. Nuclear power projects require safety first, and also require high-efficiency and high-quality work. At this time, the 6S construction of the project department and the team is very critical. Through the construction of the 6S from the inside to the outside, the work efficiency and safety awareness of the project department staff can be effectively improved, and the company's "innovative development, service "Nuclear power" purpose, and ultimately reached the company's strategic goal of "strong talents."

6S originated from Japan's 5S concept, which refers to the effective management of production factors such as people, machines, materials, and methods in the production site. It puts forward requirements for the daily behavior of each employee in the enterprise, and strives to make each employee They have developed the habit of paying attention to details, so as to achieve a "6S" on the basis of management, combined with domestic safety production activities, and increase safety factors.

According to the actual situation of its own working environment and the relevant requirements of the owner of Tianwan Nuclear Power, the Tianwan Project Department will further standardize and institutionalize the details of the ticket-holding work. In the pre-work meeting and post-work summary, all team members are required to announce themselves. Opinions or conclusions, in actual work, make good use of anti-human factors, and carry out regional management of on-site assignments. After the completion of the work, the person in charge will conduct an overall inspection to ensure that the work is completed. After checking the ticket several times, I got unanimous praise from the owner. I hope that our project department can communicate with each other and learn from each other about how to do the 6S construction work of the team.


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