2017 Haiyan County-"Wanna Cup" Professional Skills Competition-Electrical Control Skills Competition


At 8 am on May 13, 2017, the 2017 “Wanna Cup” vocational skills competition—the electrical control skills competition was held at Haiyan County Polytechnic School. This competition was led by the County Talent Group Office, the County Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, and was jointly organized and organized by Wanna Shenhe Holding Group Co., Ltd. and Haiyan University of Science and Technology.

The leaders who attended the opening ceremony were Jin Shenghua, Executive Deputy Minister of the Organization Department of Haiyan County Party Committee, Shen Feng, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Haiyan County Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Huang Xueming, Secretary of the Party Committee of Haiyan University of Science and Technology, Li Yongxian, Chairman of the Group Corporation, and Wang Zhaorui, Deputy General Manager of the Group Corporation. At the beginning of the competition, the Secretary of the Party Committee of the County Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Shen, delivered an opening speech for the professional skills competition. The competition also received great attention from the Haiyan County Government, and Deputy County Chief Gao Haihua even personally visited the competition site to guide the work.

"Learning skills, showing style, mastering skills, and having a future", "skilled blue-collar workers" from all towns (streets) in the county started a tense competition. This competition focuses on practical skills and combines theoretical knowledge. The purpose is to promote contestants to improve their post skills, cultivate and upgrade the skills of highly skilled personnel, and play a greater role in the development of county service enterprises and service economy.

In this "Wanna Cup" professional skills competition-electrical control skills competition, our competitors Lu Qinliang, Liu Tianyao, and Chang Satisfied achieved excellent results and won honors for the company. Four and fifth.

It can be said that through this contract, our group's sense of social responsibility and historical mission has been enhanced. It is hoped that by holding skills competitions, the workers' professionalism and love will be further stimulated to form glorious labor, valuable skills, and create a great new era in the society.


Secretary Shen's opening speech


Opening ceremony


Team 1


Team 2


Theory Exam Scene 1


Theory Exam Scene 2


Theory Exam Scene 3


Operation site 1


Operation site 2


Operation site 3


Leader Site Inspection 1


Leader Site Inspection 2


Leader Site Inspection 3