The stride of Fuqing Nuclear Power in striding forward. Tools. Special garage management project department


In October 2014, Wanna Fuqing Nuclear Power Lifting, Tools, and Special Garage Management Project Department came into being, and for the first time held the Fuqing Nuclear Power Lifting Professional.

  In 2015, the project department moved towards professionalism, and participated in the professional services of lifting operation of Fuqing Nuclear Power in an all-round way with professional talents, professional technology, and professional spirit. Whether it is overhaul service, fuel operation, or daily maintenance, ordinary lifting operations, the project department has successfully completed the lifting tasks with a professional attitude and professional standards.


Lifting operation family portrait


Lifting operation family portrait


In 2016, the project department continued to grow and develop, and set up full-time safety officers, independently undertook human support for the overhaul of 201, and the special garage joined on schedule, bringing the number of project department employees and professional project scope to an unprecedented scale.

  In 2017, Wanner Company and Fuqing Nuclear Power signed a three-year long-term contract. The project department will continue to work hard and meet high standards and strict requirements. It will start with unified staff dressing, standardized operating site layout, and programmatic operation steps to standardize the work of the project department.


The core lifting is completed


Carefully organize a pre-work conference

  Initially formed a complete organization


In order to complete high-standard and high-quality tasks assigned and agreed by Fuqing Nuclear Power and Wanna Corporation, the project department refines the organizational structure, adjusts the division of management personnel, and establishes safety and quality assurance, technical support, assessment teams, training management, document and material preparation, There are 9 functional groups including lifting operation, tool management, special vehicles, and comprehensive management, with one person serving multiple functions, making everyone responsible and efficient.

  The project department has initially formed a relatively complete organization and strives to make the various tasks of the project department reach a new level in the new year.

The technical talent echelon is taking shape


Since the establishment of the project department, it has focused on the formation and cultivation of a team of technical talents. Newly graduated college students are added every year. Every overhaul is joined by new technical forces to ensure that the project department inputs fresh blood every year.

  The project department pays special attention to the technical training and practical exercises of current staff, and has repeatedly sent people to other power plants to conduct benchmarking studies. It also dispatched young, highly motivated and highly educated personnel to Shenzhen for fuel operations to enhance its own hematopoietic function.

  The daily work arrangement is to use the old to bring the new, to pass, help, and take the way to make full use of the experience and wealth of old employees to help young people become talents as soon as possible.

  Both blood transfusion and hematopoietic have been developed, and the multi-level technical talent team of the project department has taken shape.


Lifting operation skills competition

All-round normalization of education and training


The project department has made great progress in various tasks to achieve sustainable development, and it is inseparable from safety technology training and education.

  Responsibility for production safety, safety operation procedures, various management procedures, newly issued documents, instructions from superior leaders, feedback from peer experience, and repeated learning and training.

  From basic authorized training for new employees, post authorization training, three-level safety education, to technical training, prevent human error drills, and achieve a full range of safety technology training. From daily safety training, weekly safety meetings, to overhauls of the daily morning shift, safety technology is revealed, and safety technology training is normalized.



Wear protective equipment


Triangle spreader with hook practice drill

Growing business experience

 Since the establishment of the project department, it has undergone 101 overhauls, 201 overhauls, and 102 overhauls. It has completed a lot of daily work and accumulated valuable experience.


Overhaul hone 1


Overhaul hone 


From the CC drop well to the PX pump room, from the freshwater plant to the 800-ton wharf, from the conventional island to the nuclear island dome, every plant and every site has left the footprint of the project department staff and spilled the project department staff Sweat.

During the core opening and closing process, various lifting and hoisting, fuel assembly switching, material receiving, refueling, bolt drawing machine hoisting, various sluice plate hoisting, various pump bodies and valves hoisting, not only training the team but also Has enriched practical experience.



Overhaul hone 3


Overhaul hone 4

New look in safety and quality assurance


The project department's safety and quality assurance work step by step, a new step a year.

 From the initial absence of a full-time safety officer, to the current two full-time safety officers, safety training, safety inspections, festival inspections, on-site monitoring, and quality assurance system construction, various safety and quality assurance work has made a qualitative leap.

 The project department clarified the new quality assurance system, emphasized the concept of managing production and managing safety, and clarified the safety and quality assurance responsibilities of all management personnel. From the 101 overhaul to the 201 overhaul, the industrial safety deviation decreased significantly, and the 102 overhaul realized both the industrial safety deviation and the radiation protection deviation. As of April this year, the project department has achieved 3 consecutive zero deviations in industrial safety and radiation protection.

 The deities are loyal and diligent, and the philosophies of the Daoist Code are reviewed. One piece of work, one piece of work, through the joint efforts of all the staff of the project department, the project department has initially formed a lifting operation mainly, taking into account lifting technology development, lifting technical support, lifting technical consulting and other lifting business extension services Comprehensive management project department with simultaneous development of appliance management and special vehicle management.

 Our work is continuously progressing, and the project department is striding forward to the future ...