Improving the safety management level of Fuqing storage project


In order to achieve the purpose of safe production operations, further improve the level of warehouse management, more effectively guarantee the safety of personnel, warehouses and items, and improve staff safety awareness and job skills. Fuqing Storage Project Department (hereinafter referred to as the project department) in 2016 From August 15th, all members of the group will be mobilized to participate in the daily work "snap shot" activities to encourage everyone to take pictures of problems in daily work through the mobile phone in their hands.

Since the launch of the photo shoot event, the staff of the project department actively responded to each other and supervised each other. They took photos of potential safety hazards, illegal operations, improperly placed items, and irregular identification of goods, and reported them in a timely manner. Everyone analyzes the problems in the photos and provides experience feedback. At the same time when the problem is found, the hand-shot also records the outstanding deeds that can actively find hidden dangers, propose rectification suggestions and achieve results, perform daily operations according to chapters, and complete them in a timely manner. For example, the staff of the project department proactively added shelves The device is fixed and safety notices are hung to prevent hidden dangers.


As of November 3, 557 photographs were collected on the spot, and 175 would be learned in the morning shift. Through the accumulation of these photos, the safety management level of the entire team has been qualitatively improved. Through participation and interaction, the form of safety education has flexibility and diversity. The project department will actively respond to the Fuqing 100-day production safety and quality competition, so that everyone knows deeply that the concept of safe work must be integrated into daily work , Correct use of human error prevention tools, eliminate non-procedures, and eliminate illegal operations.