On call-lifting operation in action at noon


At 11:30 on June 22, 2016, it was the lunch time of Fuqing Nuclear Power. At this time, after receiving the notification from the interface unit, the Fuqing Nuclear Power Lifting Operation Office: emergency staff organized to assist in lifting the CFI sluice plate of the 8PX combined pump room to cooperate with the interface unit's dredging work.

Notification is an order.

After receiving the notice, the project department immediately formed a lifting team. The group leader Wang Fuqiang, who is preparing to eat in the cafeteria, and the staff members Ma Shuanglin and Wang Changlong, the driver Jing Xiaorong, and the security officer Zhao Shugong immediately organized a pre-conference meeting, analyzed the lifting plan, clarified the lifting risks, determined the lifting line, and conducted technical briefing .

In June, the Fuqing nuclear power plant was hot and hot.

The members of the lifting team are on alert, hanging the spreader, and fully concentrating on the operation of the crane ..., sometimes descending into the sluice plate storage pool, sometimes walking on the special spreader, sometimes slowly hooking, sometimes falling quickly ...

Work clothes are attached to the body like water washes; the stomach is like protest, thirsty and hungry!

The special spreader is stuck during the operation, it is necessary to repair the spreader, and it is important to cooperate; the sluice plate is stuck, the frogman needs to dive for inspection, and the lifting continues to cooperate ...

On call, it is the service commitment of our project department; owner satisfaction is the service purpose of our project department.

The lifting operation is in action at noon, and our service continues!

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