“Wanna God” Cup 2016 Haiyan County Nuclear Power Related Industry Enterprise Table Tennis Invitational Tournament Successfully Concluded


On June 26, the two-day Haiyan County nuclear power-related industry enterprise "two studies, one doing" study and education and "Wanner God Nuclear" Cup Table Tennis Invitational Tournament successfully concluded in the County Institute of Technology Gymnasium.

The contest was initiated by the Party Committee of the Qinshan Nuclear Power Base, the Organization Department of the Haiyan County Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, Haiyan County Nuclear Emergency Management Office, Qinshan Sub-district, Wanna Shenhe Nuclear Holding Group Co., Ltd. and other units. Co-sponsored by affiliated industry alliances, exclusively sponsored by Wanna Shenhe Holding Group Co., Ltd., co-organized by Haiyan Table Tennis Association.

The participating units of this competition are mainly members of the nuclear power related industry party building alliance, members of the nuclear power related industry party building alliance, members of the nuclear power related industry alliance, and relevant county departments. A total of 32 teams and 148 athletes participated.

The competition is divided into three groups: men's and women's singles, men's singles and women's singles. After two days of fierce competition, the top 4 of mixed-sex men's and women's groups projects were produced. The County Federation of Industry and Commerce, Qinshan Sub-district, County Commerce Bureau, and Wanna Shenhe Holding Group Co., Ltd. won the top 4. The men's singles were won by the Industry and Commerce Federation, Qinshan Jiedao, Zhongda Special Steel, and the County Finance Bureau; the women's singles were won by Shengdi Technology and Nuclear Power Engineering East China Branch respectively, and the Wanner God Nuclear Company received the individual top 3 or 4.

This competition is also a demonstration of the party building results of the enterprise's "two studies, one doing", with vivid illustrations, concrete and vivid examples, showing the enterprise's "two studies, one doing" situation. At the same time, the reward points obtained by the participating athletes will be donated to public welfare organizations in the individual name of the athletes, which not only exercises physical and mental, but also contributes love. This event deepened the mutual exchange of nuclear power related enterprises, enhanced the relationship between the party building alliance of nuclear power related industries, nuclear power related industries and enterprises and related departments, strengthened the cohesion of the enterprise, activated the body and mind, and enhanced friendship.

Wanna Shenhe's public welfare undertaking is on the way ... efforts to contribute to the construction of harmonious sea salt.



