TBP cooling water drain pump repair


At 6:17 on the morning of June 7, 2016, the TBP sub-item of the 821Z project simulated the continuous operation of the material fluid for 144 hours. The process operation staff found that the 2 # cooling water drain pump (60AP001 / 2) of the cooling water system was in operation. Sudden shutdown in the middle, resulting in the shutdown of the cooling water system. If the cooling water system cannot be put into operation in time, it will cause the 144-hour continuous operation test to continue, which will make the efforts of various departments in the early stage go to waste.

The process operation staff immediately notified the mechanical maintenance staff Bi Yonggang and Liu Feng to inspect the pump. It was initially determined that the cause of the sudden pump shutdown was bearing damage. The pump must be disassembled and replaced with new bearings before it can continue to run. Yang Jianming, the deputy general manager of the project and Li Shuncheng, the deputy manager of the field test command, immediately started the emergency maintenance work flow of the cooling water drain pump, and organized the departments of the project commissioning department to cooperate in the emergency repair work. Mechanical repair personnel Hu Zhijian, Liu Quanli, etc. arrived at the scene to support, and prepared the tools and consumables in accordance with the "Centrifugal Pump Maintenance Regulations", and immediately prepared for the repair work of the cooling water drain pump. After the drainage pump was isolated, drained, and disintegrated, it was found that the front and rear bearings of the pump were damaged, and the pump shaft was also damaged in many places. Under the unified command and coordination of the scene, the maintenance work was carried out in an orderly manner; the small maintenance space and the sweltering maintenance environment test every maintenance staff. The sweat blurred their eyes and wet their clothes, but they had no complaints at all, and only one thought in their hearts: focus on successfully completing the emergency repair task. The time passed by one minute and one second, and the maintenance staff was working in an orderly manner. The rush repair task was completed at 12:52 pm for nearly 7 hours. The inspection and verification by the process personnel showed that the cooling water discharge pump was in good condition. This ensures that the test continues.

The emergency repair work of the cooling water discharge pump involved the cooperation of multiple departments and multiple types of work. The time is tight and the task is heavy. It is related to whether the test can be run continuously. The rush must be completed in a short period of time. Whether the important debugging work nodes of the project can be carried out smoothly will affect the debugging progress of the TBP project. The successful completion of the repair task this time also proves once again that the commissioning, inspection and maintenance personnel of the 821Z project of Wanna Shenhe Nuclear Company are a team capable of fighting tough battles. They have demonstrated the company's strength and its ability with responsibility and perseverance. At a critical moment, this team showed the spirit of unity and cooperation, the courage to assume responsibility, and no regrets for the nuclear commissioning cause. Let us sincerely applaud the comrades involved in the repair.

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