Chaoyang Industry


Chaoyang Industry

Source: China Nuclear Industry News, Date: 2014-02-26

    Although it has entered the year of the horse, the lively festive atmosphere during the Spring Festival is not enough to dilute the "mist-stained" atmosphere that has caused people's many life problems for more than a year. The Central Meteorological Station has issued haze yellow warnings for several consecutive days since February 20. Beijing Heavy Air Pollution Emergency Command raised the city's severe air pollution warning level to orange level on February 21. This is also the first time since the October 2013 “Beijing Air Pollution Emergency Plan (Trial)” was launched, which is the second highest orange warning. On February 23, the Ministry of Environmental Protection reported that satellite remote sensing monitoring showed that China's land area of more than 1 million square kilometers suffered from haze pollution ... The severe environmental situation has also made the call to accelerate the development of clean energy, including nuclear power, more urgent. And loud.

文章 The article by Academician Pan Ziqiang and others published by China Environment News in February pointed directly at the core of the problem. The article makes a detailed and scientific comparison from the entire industrial chain and concludes that China ’s air pollution is serious, and its energy source is the main reason. Fossil fuels, especially coal, are the main source of energy pollution. While improving the environmental impact of the coal power fuel chain, accelerating the development of nuclear power is a realistic and effective way to reduce environmental pollution and greenhouse gas emissions in China. Because the nuclear power chain is a clean energy with minimal impact on the environment, the nuclear power plant itself does not emit air pollutants such as SO2 and PM. The radiation exposure of radioactive materials in the effluent of nuclear power plants to surrounding residents is generally much lower than the local natural background level. . Nuclear energy is a low-carbon energy source. Compared with a coal-fired power plant, a million-kilowatt electric power plant can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by more than 6 million tons per year, which is one of the energy sources with the largest emission reduction effect. To achieve the goals promised by the Chinese government that non-fossil energy will account for about 15% of primary energy consumption by 2020, and that carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP will fall by 40% to 45% compared to 2005, the development of nuclear power is the most realistic approach. .

In fact, more and more countries already tend to regard the nuclear industry as a "sunrise industry". Many developing countries are considering establishing a relatively high-speed, stable and balanced approach to nuclear power development. According to statistics, there are currently 31 countries in the world with nuclear power plants, and 437 nuclear power plant units that have been put into operation can provide 10% of the world's electrical energy. However, so far, the proportion of China's nuclear power in the entire energy structure is so small that it is not commensurate with China's status as a nuclear power. The China Nuclear Energy Industry Association ’s official production safety status of China ’s nuclear power generating units in 2013 (excluding Taiwan) indicates that as of December 31, 2013, the total installed capacity of nuclear power units in commercial operation in China accounted for only about the nation ’s installed power generation capacity. The total amount of nuclear power generation is 1.19%, which accounts for about 2.11% of the national total. Corresponds to the goal of "National Nuclear Power Medium- and Long-Term Development Plan (2005-2020)", "by 2020, China ’s nuclear power operation installed capacity will account for about 4% of the total power generation installed capacity, and power generation will account for 6% of the national power generation capacity" It is clear that there is still a long way to go. Taking into account that the nuclear power construction cycle is usually around 50 months, even from now on, "accelerating" the nuclear power project approval construction process is still not an easy task.

With the sound of firecrackers during the Chinese New Year of the Horse, Unit 1 of the Daya Bay Nuclear Power Station in Shenzhen, Guangdong, ushered in the 20th anniversary of commercial transportation. On February 1, 20 years ago, Daya Bay Nuclear Power Station Unit 1 was officially put into commercial operation, becoming the first one million kilowatt-class commercial nuclear power plant in China. At that time, Shenzhen, as a window of China's reform and opening up, carried the important mission of learning from the world, and nuclear power construction was no exception. The nuclear power plant construction that was vigorously promoted that year has become a landmark project in the reform and opening up, and it can even be called a milestone to break the ideology and open the country. In the process of project construction, due to the Chernobyl accident caused by the Hong Kong million people ’s anti-nuclear storm, the central government ’s final decision-"Nuclear power plant still needs to be carried out"-fully reflects the strategic thinking and unwavering development confidence of tall buildings . For the Chinese nuclear power industry, which was reinstalled after the Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan, the relevant experience of Daya Bay is still thought-provoking.

消息 A message from the United States in mid-February raised expectations for the prospects for the use of nuclear energy. According to US media reports, although it only lasted for a brief moment, American scientists repeated the process of making energy by the sun and created a "mini sun." This has also fueled expectations that nuclear fusion might one day be an endless source of cheap energy on Earth. It is reported that in an experiment conducted by the National Ignition Facility Room of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in the United States last fall, researchers used the world's most powerful laser device to launch a laser at a bean-sized target and trigger it. After the nuclear fusion reaction, huge energy was released in less than a second. The results of the study were published in the journal Nature on February 12th. First author Omar Hurricane, a physicist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, said that by using this technology, for the first time in the world, they achieved greater fuel output energy than input energy. Although this is far from the final realization of the so-called "ignition", the latest experimental results have marked a step forward for the United States on this project, which also provides a feasible model for future commercial nuclear fusion reactors. . According to reports, nuclear power plants in the world today generate electricity mainly through nuclear fission. And nuclear fusion is the most efficient of any known energy production process. Fusion fuels are readily available from nature, and nuclear fusion has little risk of producing toxic byproducts or nuclear meltdown. The successful development and utilization of nuclear fusion may change the history of human energy use.

Whether it is looking forward to accelerating the pace of nuclear energy development in China, or looking forward to the future application of nuclear energy from a higher and farther perspective, it will make people play an increasingly important role in the development of modern society as a clean energy source, and release more and more Energetic, full of confidence and high hopes. (Xiao Yu)