Fuqing Warehousing Project Authorized Training Exam Successfully Ended


At noon on September 11, 2014, the newly authorized employees organized by Wanna Fuqing Storage Project Department started training on time. A total of 19 new employees have participated in this authorized training, including not only a number of veteran employees who have participated in nuclear power construction, but also experts in warehouse management technology, as well as young teams trained by the company.

Due to the limited personnel and venue of the Fuqing Nuclear Power Training Office, several old employees with rich nuclear power experience were selected by the storage project department after consultation with the company and the Training Office. After the training office's assessment and approval, the company's own training instructor team was established and led This is the basic authorized training. The formation of the training instructor team not only shared some of the work for the Fuqing Nuclear Power Training Division, but also made our company's training time and place more convenient, and the training quality and training effect more intuitive.

This training course covers eight courses including quality assurance, industrial safety level one, industrial safety level two, emergency response, first aid, safety culture, fire protection and environmental protection. Under the premise of tight work tasks and unable to arrange special training time, the warehousing project department organized new employees to train during lunch breaks and weekends. During the training, everyone concentrated on listening, taking notes carefully, and consulting the instructor from time to time. , Discussion in groups.

On October 19th, the training department of the Fuqing Nuclear Power Training Building arranged for the 19 employees of our company to take a theoretical exam. All of them passed all the exams at the same time. The end of the exam also marked the basic level of newly arrived employees for nearly one month Authorized training exam completed.

The successful completion of the training authorization exam is inseparable from the hard work of all faculty members and the hard work of the employees. At the same time, it also illustrates the correctness and timeliness of the company's training teacher team and also provides training for the company's various project personnel The work laid the foundation.


Training site


Training site


Fire training practice site


Examination scene