The leaders of Haiyan County Bureau visited our company to guide the work


On the afternoon of October 17, 2014, leaders of government-related functional departments such as the Haiyan County Development and Reform Bureau, the Science and Technology Bureau, the Human Resources and Social Affairs Bureau, the Education Bureau, the Market Supervision Administration, and the County Nuclear Emergency Management Office came to our company to visit and guide our work.

The chairman and general manager of the company Li Yongxian led the company's various department leaders and employees to extend a warm welcome to the leaders!

At the meeting, Li Yongxian, the company's chairman and general manager, reported to the leaders on the company's work in recent years, and He Haisheng, the deputy manager of the company's engineering management department, gave a detailed report to the leaders of the meeting on the basic profile of Wanna Power. General Manager Li Yongxian made detailed explanations on the training of enterprise personnel and production safety management, and planned that the company would approach the "dualization" management goal in the future.

The leaders of the various departments of the county party committee affirmed our company's related work in various aspects, and asked our company to make persistent efforts in the future, create more economic benefits for enterprises and employees, assume more social responsibilities, and serve Haiyan. Make greater contributions to the economic construction of China!

Later, the two sides made in-depth and detailed work exchanges on related issues.


Work exchange meeting site


Work exchange meeting site


Work exchange meeting site