Chen Guocai, deputy general manager of Fuqing Nuclear Power, went to the AB1 warehouse for inspection and guidance


On October 21, 2014, Chen Guocai, deputy general manager of Fuqing Nuclear Power, accompanied by Wang Hong, chief of the storage and transportation section of the equipment procurement department, went to AB1 to check the progress of the transfer of SO spare parts.

Mr. Chen first came to the office area of AB1 warehouse, and had a detailed understanding of the current situation of the transfer of SO spare parts and management of spare parts of Units 1 and 2 and the management of spare parts; Mr. Chen entered every warehouse in AB1 warehouse area, inspected the hardware facilities and tools of the warehouse, and inspected, asked and instructed the on-site handover of SO spare parts.

After the inspection, President Chen fully affirmed our company's warehousing project management work, and put forward two requirements for the transfer of SO spare parts and spare parts for Unit 1-2:

1. The storage and transportation section of the Equipment Procurement Division and Wana Corporation should actively coordinate, rationally arrange working hours, speed up the reception progress, improve the reception efficiency, and ensure that the reception of SO spare parts for Units 1-2 is completed before the end of December this year;

2. For the problems of lack of professional tools and hardware conditions in the receiving work, the storage management department should promptly request the storage and transportation section of the equipment procurement department and purchase as soon as possible to ensure the quality of the 1-2 unit SO spare parts receiving work. The amount is successfully completed.


Mr. Chen inspected the AB1 library


President Chen listened to the work report and gave relevant instructions