Completion ceremony of the company's nuclear power basic theory training class


In 2014, college students recruited by the company, after three months of basic theoretical training in nuclear power, held a grand closing ceremony at the China Atomic Energy Graduate School (401 Graduate School) at 10:00 on September 15, 2014.

The graduation ceremony was presided over by Xiao Wu, the deputy director of the graduate school. Li Jimin, the deputy director of the graduate school, made a conclusion. Zhang Chao, the assistant director of the graduate school, announced the commendation decision of outstanding students and outstanding student cadres. .

The chairman and general manager of the company, Mr. Li Yongxian, made an important speech at the closing ceremony. First of all, on behalf of the company, he expressed gratitude to the teachers of the graduate school for the hard work of Wanna students in the past three months. Thanks for the colorful after-school life and the teaching of excellent work skills; I also thank all the students who participated in this training. Second, there are several requirements for students who are about to enter the job:

1. Be self-disciplined: be strict with yourself, be generous, and have a good and positive work attitude;

2, there must be unity: obey management, do a good job with a sense of mission and responsibility;

3, there must be synergy: strengthen communication and coordination, and cooperate with the work of various cooperation units.

He also emphasized that in the future everyone should be proud of "I am a Chinese nuclear person" and "I am a Wanna person". Keep a pure, treat people with sincerity, strengthen learning, improve your self-cultivation, and work and live better with a questioning attitude and a frank attitude.

I also hope that you can often ask yourself in work and life: because what did I bring to the company? Because what did I bring to society? Because what did I bring to my family? Because what did I bring to me? Through constant self-inquiry, consider yourself from all angles and improve yourself.

In the end, President Li also sent his blessings to the graduates, hoping that everyone can grow up happily and happily under the sunshine of the nuclear power industry.

At the closing ceremony, Shao Huanhui, the dean of China Graduate School of Atomic Energy Science, the director of the commissioning center of China Nuclear Industry Engineering Corporation, and the leaders of other cooperation units also made important speeches at the closing ceremony, and expressed good results to the students Wishes. The leaders of each company and school issued certificates for outstanding students and outstanding student leaders.

After the meeting, all participants took a group photo in front of the teaching building.

This training course started on July 14, 2014, and lasted for three months. Under the guidance of the graduate department and teachers, the students worked hard to complete the 13 courses and exams, and the test scores were all 90 points. The above achieved the intended training purpose. The successful completion of this training has also provided a good guide for the company's professional personnel training in the field of nuclear power commissioning.

In future work, the company will strengthen cooperation with China Atomic Energy Science Graduate School and China Nuclear Power Engineering Company Commissioning Center, and strive to train more and better talents to serve China's nuclear power industry.

Attachment: list of outstanding students, outstanding student cadres

1. Outstanding students: Peng Juan Jiang Erlong Feng Zhichao Wu Weixin Hu Xi

2. Outstanding student cadres: Yao Yichong, Li Jinrong


Training Closing Ceremony


Leaders present awards to outstanding students and class representatives


Group photo of everyone attending the closing ceremony