The company held a special job fair at Anhui University of Technology


At 9:30 on March 26, 2014, our company held the second special job fair for entering the campus this year in Room D108, East Education, Xiushan Campus, Anhui University of Technology.

At the job fair, the company's recruiters introduced the company's basic profile, the current enrollment plan, the majors to be recruited, the nature of the job, salary, benefits, and industry development prospects to the teachers and students present. Interviews were conducted for majors. During the interviews, the information provided by the students was reviewed, and detailed exchanges were made with students on personal intentions and development prospects. Through mutual communication and understanding, the company and nearly 20 students on the scene Work intent was reached and a company training agreement and employment agreement was signed.

This job fair is the second session of our company's 2014 graduate admissions program. There were more than 70 students participating in the job fair. In addition to Anhui University of Technology, China University of Mining and Technology, Anhui University, Anhui Engineering University, Anhui Some students from universities such as the University of Science and Technology also responded positively. They participated in this job fair and received more than 70 valid resumes.

Introduction of Anhui University of Technology:

Anhui University of Technology is a multi-disciplinary university with a distinctive industry characteristic, which is based on the seven major universities of engineering, economics, management, liberal arts, science, law, and art. It is a key university in Anhui Province. The project of "basic capacity building project for universities in the central and western regions" implements universities. The school enrolls students in 25 provinces (municipalities, autonomous regions) nationwide. It has the qualification to recommend outstanding undergraduates for master's degree exemption from examinations, and has the right to grant bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees.


Anhui University of Technology


Recruiters communicate with classmates