Qinshan No. 2 Factory 111 revision started


On April 8, 2014, the eleventh shutdown of the nuclear power plant operation management Co., Ltd. Qinshan No. 2 Plant (referred to as Qinshan No. 2 Plant) Unit 1 for the 11th shutdown and replacement of materials (overhaul) was officially started.

In order to cooperate with the Qinshan Second Plant for this overhaul, our company leaders and related departments communicated with the relevant parties of the nuclear power plant in advance, made detailed arrangements and division of labor for the people and positions participating in the overhaul, and formulated corresponding emergency plans. Prior to the start of the overhaul, the daily technical management personnel and human support personnel who participated in the overhaul were fully mobilized to ensure the smooth progress of the overhaul. In addition, it carefully selected and organized nearly a hundred professional and technical personnel through strict interviews and assessments to support and assist this overhaul, including electrical maintenance, mechanical maintenance, instrument control management, lifting, driving, warehouse management and other positions. .

The development of this overhaul marked that China's domestically designed large-scale commercial nuclear power plants independently designed, constructed, managed and operated independently have been connected to the grid in 2002 and have been operating safely and normally for eleven years.
