The company held a special job fair in Hefei University of Technology


At 9:30 on March 11, 2014, our company held a special job fair in the first lecture hall of the Employment Guidance Center of Hefei University of Technology.

At the job fair, the company's recruiters introduced the company's basic profile, enrollment plan, profession, job position, salary, benefits and industry development prospects to the teachers and classmates who were present, so that the students and the company and nuclear power The industry has a new understanding and understanding. Everyone said that if they had the opportunity, they would definitely join the motherland's nuclear power industry and make their own contributions to the development of clean energy and emerging industries.

This job fair is the first of our company's 2014 graduate admissions program. Nearly 100 students participated in the job fair and received more than 80 valid resumes. The company conducted preliminary and retests on valid resume personnel, and reached work intentions with some students on site, and signed a tripartite agreement. At the job fair, the company's recruiters conducted in-depth exchanges with classmates, from national policies to industry trends, from job positioning to development prospects, from study to work to life, etc. The graduates' basic ideological trends, job application intentions and future prospects have been fully understood and mastered to prepare for future recruitment.

Hefei University of Technology website:

Hefei University of Technology is a national key university directly under the Ministry of Education, a national “211 Project” key construction university and a “985 Project” advantage discipline innovation platform construction university.

The school was founded in 1945 and was approved as a national key university by the CPC Central Committee in 1960. The older generation of proletarian revolutionaries Liu Shaoqi, Zhu De, and Deng Xiaoping inspected and guided the work. In 1979, Comrade Deng Xiaoping inscribed the school name of "Hefei University of Technology" by himself; in 1997, the former Hefei University of Technology and Anhui Institute of Technology merged to form the new Hefei University of Technology; in 1998, it was re-transferred to the Ministry of Education; in 2005, it entered the country The "211 Project" focuses on the construction of universities; in 2009, it became the national "985 Project" advantage discipline innovation platform construction university. Since the establishment of the school, the school has taken national revitalization and social progress as its responsibility, adhering to the school motto of “honesty, integrity, honesty, and up-to-dateness”, adhere to the school spirit of “diligent, rigorous, pragmatic, and innovative”, and carry forward “hard work, continuous improvement The glorious tradition of "striving for excellence and climbing the peak bravely" has formed distinctive school characteristics and has become an important base for national talent training, scientific research, and serving the society and cultural heritage and innovation.
