Our company successfully completed the "zero sewage straight discharge" work of the last 8 township streets in Jiaxing


From January 13th to January 16th, 2020, commissioned by the office of the Leading Group (Hechang System) of the "Five Waters of Governance" in Jiaxing, our company has four inspection teams to continue to inspect 8 township streets including Kaiqu District, Jiashan Pinghu and other places have started the inspection work of "zero sewage straight discharge". These 8 townships and streets have passed the provincial acceptance inspection in 2018. The purpose of this inspection is to look back and improve the zero straight discharge of sewage. The inspection work is strictly in accordance with the spirit of the provincial document and the requirements of the Municipal Water Management Office. The survey is carried out from four major areas: industrial parks, living quarters, other types (public construction), and public areas. The inspection methods are: 3. On-site random inspections, mainly inspections, rectification within a time limit.

  The inspection teams randomly inspected the work situation of "zero-sewage sewage" of residential houses, industrial enterprises, and six small industries in various towns and streets, and conducted serious inspections on the areas such as sewer pipes, open ditch pipes, rainwater outlets, and rainwater wells.

          Through the strict instructions of the city leaders and the full cooperation of the heads of the townships and streets, the zero in-line work achieved satisfactory results. "Zero sewage straight discharge" is a long-term systemic work, which requires not only the government but also our broad masses of people to work together to work together for a better home.