Wanna Fuqing Party branch launched the search for the party



In order to thoroughly implement the party's purpose, maintain the feelings of public servants, keep in mind that Communist Party members are always ordinary members of the working people, keep close contact with the masses, consolidate and expand the party's mass line education and practice activities, and maintain the party's advanced nature and purity. Qualified party members. Wanna Fuqing Party Branch organized party members to visit Fuzhou Tiansheng Farm for sightseeing and learning activities.

After the team arrived at Tiansheng Farmhouse, they first visited the organic flowers and vegetables and vegetable greenhouses, so that each party member felt the hardship of the grassroots production activities and the rapid development of grassroots production. Later, they visited the National Garden and Zodiac Garden, which strengthened the party members' understanding of the Chinese national culture and traditional culture. Then carried out fishing and boating activities, deepened the self-construction of party members, and improved their ability to unite and collaborate. Finally, I participated in sports such as ceramic art production and water extreme challenge, letting my mind fly and sharing the cool summer. Apart from relaxation, members of the party discussed and exchanged on the "two studies, one doing" study and education in light of their work and life.

Although the one-day branch activity was short-lived, it left a deep memory for each party member. Every party member must maintain the spirit of entrepreneurship and pioneering spirit of the officers, and be a qualified party member who talks about politics, has faith, rules and discipline, morality and character, and dedication and dedication.