The full text of the 13th Five-Year Plan outlines the proposal to build a modern energy system


The full text of the 13th Five-Year Plan outlines the proposal to build a modern energy system

Source: People's Daily Online Date: 2016-03-18

    On March 16, the Fourth Session of the Twelfth National People's Congress adopted the Outline of the Thirteenth Five-Year Plan for the National Economic and Social Development of the People's Republic of China. The full text was authorized for broadcast on March 17 by the Xinhua News Agency.

The Outline of the Thirteenth Five-Year Plan states in Chapter 30 of Building a Modern Energy System that it will further advance the energy revolution, focus on promoting changes in energy production and utilization methods, optimize the energy supply structure, improve energy efficiency, and build clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient Modern energy system to maintain national energy security. At the same time, eight key projects in the energy sector during the 13th Five-Year Plan period were proposed.

In the next five years, the vane of China's energy industry development is here.

Promote the optimization and upgrade of energy structure

Hydropower. Make overall plans for hydropower development and ecological protection, adhere to ecological priority, focus on the construction of an important Liucheng Longtou hydropower station, and scientifically develop southwest hydropower resources.

Wind power, photovoltaic, light and heat. Continue to promote the development of wind power photovoltaic power generation and actively support CSP.

Tritium nuclear power. Focusing on coastal nuclear power belts, the safe construction of autonomous nuclear power demonstration projects and projects.

Biomass energy, geothermal energy, coastal tidal energy. Accelerate the development of biomass and geothermal energy, and actively develop coastal tidal energy resources.

Improve support policies for wind, solar and biomass power generation.

Coal. Vigorously promote the clean and efficient use of coal. Restrict the east, control the middle and northeast, optimize the development of coal resources in the west, promote green mining and transformation of large coal bases, and encourage the use of new technologies to develop coal power.

Oil and gas. Strengthen onshore and offshore oil and gas exploration and development, orderly open mining rights, and actively develop natural gas, coalbed methane, and shale oil (gas). Promote the transformation and upgrading of the refining industry, launch an action plan for upgrading the quality of refined oil products, and expand new sources of clean oil such as biofuels.

Building a modern energy storage and transportation network

Energy reserve + peak regulation facilities. Promote the development of multiple energy transmission modes for coal, electricity, oil and gas, strengthen the construction of energy reserves and peak shaving facilities, and speed up the construction of a modern energy storage and transportation network that is multi-energy complementary, smooth outside, and smooth inside.

Power grid main network + cross-region network. Strengthen the construction of a cross-region backbone energy transmission network, build the Mengxi-Central-North China Coal South-Transport Strategic Channel, and optimize the construction of the main grid of the power grid and cross-regional transmission channels.

Oil and gas storage facilities + strategic channels. Accelerate the construction of strategic oil and gas import channels. Promote the construction of oil and gas reserve facilities and improve the capacity of oil and gas reserves and peak regulation.

Actively build a smart energy system

Accelerate the development of intelligent energy in all fields and all links, and improve sustainable adaptive capabilities. Adapt to the needs of distributed energy development and user diversification, optimize power demand-side management, speed up the construction of smart grids, and improve the interactive response capabilities of the power grid, the power generation side, and the demand side. Promote the deep integration of new technologies in the fields of energy and information, coordinate the construction of infrastructure networks such as energy and communications, and transportation, and build a "source-network-charge-storage" coordinated development and integrated complementary energy Internet.

八 Eight key projects for energy development

1. Efficient intelligent power system

Accelerate the construction of high-quality peak shaving power sources such as pumped storage power stations, leading hydropower stations, and natural gas peak shaving power stations, promote the construction of energy storage power stations and energy efficiency power plant demonstration projects, strengthen the integration and complementarity of multiple power sources and energy storage facilities, and improve the regulation capacity and operation of power systems effectiveness.

2. Clean and efficient use of coal

Implementation of coal power energy saving and emission reduction upgrade and transformation action plan, comprehensive implementation of ultra-low emissions and energy-saving transformation of coal-fired units, so that all active power plants have an average coal consumption of less than 310 grams per kilowatt-hour, and average coal consumption of new power plants is less than 300 grams. Back pressure thermoelectric units solve heating, develop cogeneration of heat, power, and cooling, and increase the proportion of coal used for power generation.

3. Renewable energy

Focusing on the development of hydropower in Southwest China, the construction of 60 million kilowatts of conventional hydropower will be started, the receiving market and transmission channels will be coordinated, and the “Three North”, coastal wind power and photovoltaic projects will be optimized in an orderly manner. Accelerate the development of decentralized wind power and distributed photovoltaic power generation in the eastern and southern regions. Implementation of CSP demonstration project. Construct Ningxia National New Energy Comprehensive Demonstration Zone, and actively promote the construction of renewable energy demonstration zones such as Qinghai and Zhangjiakou.

4. Nuclear power

Completed Sanmen and Haiyang AP1000 projects. Construction of the "Hualong No. 1" demonstration project in Fuqing, Fujian and Fangchenggang, Guangxi. Construction of Shandong Rongcheng CAP1400 demonstration project started. Construction of a number of new coastal nuclear power projects was started, and the construction of the Tianwan Nuclear Power Phase III project was accelerated. Actively carry out the preliminary work of inland nuclear power projects. Speed up the demonstration and promote the construction of large-scale commercial reprocessing plants. Nuclear power operation installed capacity reached 58 million kilowatts, and under construction reached more than 30 million kilowatts.

5. Unconventional oil and gas

Construction of coalbed methane industrialization bases in Qinshui Basin, the eastern margin of Ordos Basin, and Bishuixing in Guizhou. Speed up the exploration and development of shale gas from Changning, Sichuan—Weiyuan, Chongqing Fuling, Zhaotong, Yunnan, Yan'an, Shanxi, and Zunyi—Tongren, Guizhou. Promote the exploration and development of tight oil, oil sands, deep-sea oil, and the comprehensive development and utilization of oil shale gas. Promote natural gas hydrate resources exploration and commercial trial production.

6. Energy transmission channel

Construct hydropower bases and large-scale coal power bases for power transmission channels. Based on the 12 power transmission channels for air pollution prevention and control, focus on new power transmission channels in the southwest, northwest, and northeast. Strengthen the construction of strategic pipelines and supporting trunk pipeline networks for imported oil and gas from northwest, northeast, and southwest China. Improve the natural gas backbone pipeline network mainly based on the West-to-East Gas Transmission, Shaanxi-Beijing Line, and Sichuan-to-East Gas Transmission.

7. Energy storage facilities

(2) Complete the second phase of the National Petroleum Reserve, start the preliminary work of subsequent projects, strengthen the construction of refined oil reserves, build natural gas storages, and increase the scale of gas storage and emergency response capacity. We will construct transit storage and transportation facilities in coal-deficient areas and coal distribution centers, improve the coal emergency reserve system, and expand the scale of natural gas uranium reserves.

8. Key Energy Technology and Equipment

Accelerate the promotion of unmanned coal mining, prevention of deep well disasters, unconventional oil and gas exploration and development, conventional oil and gas development in deep seas, low- and medium-temperature pyrolysis and metamorphic conversion of low-rank coal, 700 ° C ultra-supercritical coal-fired power generation, fourth-generation nuclear power, and offshore wind , R & D and application of technologies such as CSP, large-scale energy storage, geothermal energy utilization, and smart grid. Enhance the manufacturing capabilities of third-generation nuclear power, million-kilowatt hydroelectric units, high-efficiency boilers, and high-efficiency motors. Breakthrough in the manufacturing and application of key components and materials such as high-power power electronic equipment and high-temperature superconductor materials.

Promote energy conservation across the board

Promote the revolution in energy consumption. Implement the national energy-saving action plan, comprehensively promote energy conservation in the fields of industry, construction, transportation, and public institutions, and implement key projects such as boilers (kilns), lighting, motor system upgrades and waste heat. Vigorously develop and promote energy-saving technologies and products, and carry out major technology demonstrations. We will implement “tens of millions” actions and voluntary energy conservation activities of key energy users, promote the construction of energy management systems, metering systems and online energy consumption monitoring systems, and conduct energy reviews and performance evaluations. Implementation of building energy efficiency improvement and green building full industrial chain development plan. Promote energy-saving and low-carbon power dispatching. Promote comprehensive cascade utilization of energy. The total energy consumption is controlled within 5 billion tons of standard coal.

Promote the reform of price formation mechanism

Reduce the government's intervention in price formation, fully liberalize the prices of goods and services in competitive areas, and liberalize the prices of competitive links in power, oil, natural gas, transportation, and telecommunications. Rationalize the price of medical services. Improve the water price formation mechanism. We will improve the tiered water and gas prices for residents and the linkage mechanism for price subsidies. Establish and improve the coordination mechanism of government investment and price adjustment for public utilities and public service. Standardize pricing procedures, strengthen cost supervision and review, and promote cost disclosure.

Maintain fair competition

Clean up and abolish regulations and practices that hinder unified markets and fair competition. Improve competition policies, improve market competition rules, implement a fair competition review system, market access to cubes, and improve market launch mechanisms. Improve the market supervision and anti-monopoly enforcement system with unified and standardized, clear powers and responsibilities, fairness and efficiency, and legal guarantee. Strict product quality, compulsory standards for safe production, energy consumption, and environmental damage, and establish and improve the rules and regulations of market players. We will improve the social supervision mechanism, open channels for complaints and reports, strengthen supervision of Internet transactions, and severely crack down on counterfeiting and selling.

Actively and safely resolve excess capacity

Comprehensively use market mechanisms, economic means, rule of law and necessary administrative means to increase policy guidance and achieve market clearing. Establish a promotion mechanism with constraints on technology, technology, energy consumption, environmental protection, quality, and safety, strengthen industry standards and access management, and resolutely eliminate backward production capacity. Establish special compensation funds for industrial enterprise structure adjustments. Through mergers and reorganizations, debt restructuring, bankruptcy liquidation, and revitalization of assets, accelerate the withdrawal of excess capacity in industries such as steel and coal, and organize the orderly and active disposal of the exiting enterprises. .

Improving the supporting role of emerging industries

Support the development and growth of industries in the fields of new-generation information technology, new energy vehicles, biotechnology, green and low-carbon, high-end equipment and materials, and digital creativity. Vigorously promote advanced semiconductors, robotics, additive manufacturing, intelligent systems, next-generation aviation equipment, space technology integrated service systems, intelligent transportation, precision medicine, efficient energy storage and distributed energy systems, smart materials, efficient energy conservation and environmental protection, virtual reality and Innovation and industrialization in emerging frontiers such as interactive film and television have formed a number of new growth points.

Cultivate and develop strategic industries

Strengthen the forward-looking layout and cultivate a number of strategic industries in the fields of aerospace and oceans, information networks, life sciences, and nuclear technology. Vigorously develop new types of aircraft and aircraft, new generation operating platforms and integrated air-space observation systems, focus on building quantum communication and ubiquitous safety Internet of Things, accelerate the development of synthetic biology and regenerative medicine technologies, and accelerate the development of new generation nuclear power equipment and small nuclear power System, civil nuclear analysis and imaging, to create new advantages for future development.