China nuclear power enters the international market and builds Chinese brand


China nuclear power enters the international market and builds Chinese brand

Source: CLP News Network Date: 2015-11-23

    Recently, China ’s nuclear power, like a shooter on the green field, frequently shot in the international market, first breaking through the door of the old industrial power Great Britain, and then signed a life cycle framework agreement for nuclear power projects with Romania. On November 15, local time in Turkey, the Group of Twenty During the tenth summit of the leaders, China National Nuclear Corporation and Argentina Nuclear Power Company formally signed the Argentine Heavy Water Reactor Nuclear Power Plant Commercial Contract and PWR Nuclear Power Plant Framework Contract, marking that China National Nuclear Corporation and the Argentina Nuclear Power Corporation will cooperate to build the fourth and fifth nuclear power plants in Argentina China's nuclear power shot directly into the Blue and White Corps, and the "Hualong One" nuclear power technology landed in Argentina.

Within a month, China's nuclear power had achieved great results in the international market. Export projects involve international cooperation in investment, engineering construction, operation, and nuclear power technology export. With the breakthrough of the three competitive nuclear power markets, China's nuclear power has become an important force in the world's nuclear power market.

Argentina: advanced technology takes the lead

Speaking of technology, Argentine football can be described as benevolent. From Maradona to Messi, the Argentine's footwork is unmatched. In the field of nuclear power cooperation, China Nuclear Power also chose to use technology to knock on the door of the Blue and White Corps.

Langzhong and Argentina signed two projects. One is Argentina's fourth nuclear power plant, the heavy water reactor nuclear power plant of Unit 3 of Atucha Nuclear Power Plant, with an installed capacity of 750,000 kilowatts. The other is a framework agreement around Argentina's fifth nuclear power plant.

The total investment of Argentina's fourth nuclear power plant is US $ 5.994 billion, of which Chinese banks will provide 85% of the total investment support. In the project, 62% of the equipment will be provided by the Arab side, and China will provide the remaining 38%. The project uses heavy water reactor technology designed by Candu Energy of Canada.

It is worth mentioning that the framework agreement reached between the two parties on the fifth nuclear power plant in Argentina is a very important breakthrough for China's nuclear power. Compared with the previous, this nuclear power unit will adopt the "Hualong No. 1" pressurized water reactor technology independently designed by China. In the fierce international nuclear power market competition, Argentina chose China's "Hualong One", which will inevitably have a demonstration effect on other cooperation, which is of great significance to China's nuclear power going global.

As of now, CNNC and Argentina have also reached a framework agreement on Argentina's fifth nuclear power plant. Compared with the previous, the cooperation around the fifth nuclear power plant project will be an important breakthrough for China Nuclear, because this nuclear power unit will use the Chinese-designed Hualong No. 1 PWR technology. The implementation of the Argentina nuclear power project contract will drive the export of more than 30 billion yuan of nuclear power equipment.

 Qian Zhimin, general manager of China Nuclear Power, said that China Nuclear Group has carried out nuclear energy exchanges with Argentina since 2010 and is full of confidence in the implementation of future heavy water reactor projects and pressurized water reactor projects. CNNC is willing to share with Argentina its 60 years of nuclear industry and 30 years of nuclear power construction experience and achievements, to inject new impetus into the development of nuclear power in Argentina, and to expand the Latin American nuclear energy and new energy markets, and promote the overall improvement of Latin American economy.

Romania: the entire industry chain enhances international competitiveness

Romania's football is not strong in the mighty and smart Europe, but with its chain-driven team, this Eastern European eagle has also made many strong teams dare to fear. China Nuclear Power also won the Chernavod nuclear power unit 3 and 4 projects in Romania through the development, construction, operation and decommissioning industry chain cooperation.

On November 9, local time in Romania, CGNPC and Romanian National Nuclear Power Company signed the Memorandum of Understanding on the Development, Construction, Operation, and Decommissioning of the Chernavod Nuclear Power Plant Units 3 and 4 (hereinafter referred to as the "Memorandum"). The memorandum contains The life-cycle framework agreement for the investment, financing, construction, operation and decommissioning of Units 3 and 4 of the Chernavod Nuclear Power Project in Romania (hereinafter referred to as the Luo Nuclear Project) was completed.

At present, about 20% of Romania's total electricity consumption comes from nuclear power generation. With the development of Romania's economy and society, the demand for electricity has increased significantly, and the plan for entering the third and fourth units of the Chernavod nuclear power plant into Romania has begun. However, due to the withdrawal of the original investor, the project was blocked and CGN's intervention activated the Chernavod nuclear power plant. CGN also hopes to use Romania as a springboard to further penetrate the European nuclear power market.

Uncertainty in the economy and markets is the most important reason for the withdrawal of international investors before. However, with this cooperation, China Guangdong Nuclear Power Co., Ltd. has expanded its cooperation fields to investment, financing, construction, operation, retirement, and other fields, reducing the risks brought by a single market.

According to Zhang Qibo, general manager of CGN Romania Nuclear Power Company, after the signing of the Memorandum, the Romanian government will issue a project support letter, and CGN will also establish a joint venture with the Romanian National Nuclear Power Company as the only platform for the implementation of the Luo nuclear project. Project guarantee.

In addition, Li Yingfa, a former senior engineer at the China Nuclear Power Research and Design Institute, said that spent fuel reprocessing can generate economic benefits in terms of processing costs and resource reuse. For nuclear power “going to sea”, the reprocessing capacity will also be in business negotiations. Play an important role to enhance the international competitiveness of China's nuclear power plants.

UK: Capital advantage knocks open markets in developed countries

In the process of "going out" of Chinese nuclear power, the British used the "corner" that the British are best at. In addition to the Sino-British nuclear power cooperation project site in Cape Sinclair, strong financial advantages and advanced industrial technology are areas of expertise of this established industrial country.

On October 21, CGNPC and France Power signed the UK Nuclear Power Project Investment Agreement for the construction and operation of the Hinkley Point C nuclear power plant in the UK. According to the agreement, the China Consortium-led French nuclear power-led Chinese consortium will occupy 33.5% and 66.5% of the Hinkley Point C project, respectively.

Entering the UK market is a huge challenge.

Domestic related companies have very little experience in exporting equipment or engineering in the UK and are not familiar with regulatory standards and the business environment. At present, it is clear that Chinese companies do not have sufficient competitive advantages.

Combined with actual conditions, after several rounds of negotiations, the signing of this investment agreement, China's nuclear power is mainly playing the capital card. On the basis of capital investment, the Sino-French cooperation route in the UK project was determined. CGNPC could start with the participation in the Hinkley Point C project with funds, and then continue to participate in the French-led nuclear power project at the Cedwell C project. The Bradwell B project was led by China.

According to statistics, more than 60 countries on and around the “Belt and Road” have already and are planning to develop nuclear power. By 2030, more than 200 new units will be built. With the advantages of technology, capital and perfect industrial chain, if China Nuclear Power can occupy a place in this international nuclear power market, China Nuclear Power will bring inestimable capacity. Qian Zhimin also said that China Nuclear is willing to carry out mutually beneficial cooperation with other countries committed to nuclear power development in the world.