Haiyan County Nuclear Power Related Industry Alliance Holds Meeting to Emphasize Joint Nuclear Development


Haiyan County Nuclear Power Related Industry Alliance Holds Meeting to Emphasize Joint Nuclear Development

Source: China Nuclear Power City Website. Date: 2015-08-28.

    On August 27, the third member (expanded) meeting of the Haiyan Nuclear Industry Association was successfully held in Haiyan Hotel. Nearly 100 units including alliance member units, affiliated enterprises, policy-rewarded enterprises, salt nuclear power production service enterprises and relevant county departments attended the meeting. The county party committee member and executive deputy county magistrate Sun Xiongwei attended the meeting. Liu Chongdu, newly elected chairman of the alliance and assistant to the general manager of China Nuclear Power Operation Management Co., Ltd., and Shou Desheng, deputy chairman and deputy general manager of Qinshan Nuclear Power Group, led the nuclear power related office leaders to attend the meeting.

In his speech, Sun Xiongwei, member of the Standing Committee of the Shexian County Committee and executive deputy county chief, pointed out that the alliance must first go to nuclear, and member units should actively participate in nuclear quality assurance training and procurement training, and strive to obtain nuclear and non-nuclear qualifications so that more products can enter nuclear power. Secondly, it is necessary to unite, and alliance members must cooperate to achieve resource sharing and common information. Member units must cooperate with nuclear power central enterprises to achieve joint nuclear development and develop in a group.

Liu Chongdu, Chairman of the Union, recalled in the Union's annual work report that in 2014, Haiyan County's nuclear power-related industries developed steadily and in a good shape. The nuclear power-related industry alliance has grown steadily, and its quality and quality have improved. This year, another 9 affiliated companies submitted applications and joined the alliance. The alliance's bridge between enterprises and nuclear power, service enterprises and nuclear power has become more prominent, and its influence is more extensive. In the next step, the alliance will actively serve member companies, organize enterprises to carry out study and training, inspect nuclear power construction projects, and conduct product docking, etc., and strive for more enterprises to enter nuclear development and more products to enter nuclear power.

At the meeting, eight units including China National Nuclear Machinery Engineering Corporation, China Nuclear Overhaul Haiyan Branch, China Nuclear Second and Third Qinshan Branch, China National Special Steel, Prosperity Electrical Appliances, Jiale Keyi, Wanna Shenhe, and Ruirui Industry introduced each of them Enterprise service experience in nuclear power, progress in key projects, etc. Qinshan Street introduced the construction of nuclear power towns. In June this year, Qinshan Street Nuclear Power Town was included in the first batch of special towns in Zhejiang Province. The characteristic towns will get more preferential treatments in terms of land and taxation, and the settled enterprises will get more policy support. At present, 31 companies including China Nuclear Mechanical Engineering Company, Areva (China) Nuclear Power Service Company, and Qinshan Branch of China Atomic Energy Research Institute have settled in. The construction of a nuclear energy-related industrial park by China and France has been planned and built in the town.

Deputy Director Yao Dongming of the Shexian Nuclear Power Office briefed on the implementation of the 2014 nuclear power related industry support policy. 2014 is the second year of the implementation of the nuclear power related industry support policy. A total of 34 affiliated companies received support policy awards with a total of 3.03 million yuan, of which 28 were awarded nuclear power qualification awards and 16 were awarded nuclear performance awards. Three companies including Wanna Shenhe Electromechanical Engineering Co., Ltd., China Nuclear Wuhan Nuclear Power Operation Technology Company Qinshan Branch, Qinhe New Energy Maintenance Co., Ltd. won the top 3 awards of RMB 389,900, RMB 320,500, and RMB 31.2 million.

Xu Liuhua, Director of Yi County Nuclear Power Office, made a concluding speech. He pointed out that in the past three years since the establishment of the industry alliance, it has achieved a lot of performance and achieved good results, which is worthy of recognition and congratulations. In planning the 13th Five-Year Plan and facing the coming of nuclear power spring, we should even think more about how to do a good job in the article of "The time and place to gather the five forces and cooperate to win the nuclear industry together". He pointed out that China currently has 26 nuclear power generating units in operation and 26 units under construction, with a total installed capacity of more than 53 million kilowatts. China has become a major nuclear power construction country in the world, leading the development of the global nuclear power industry, and providing a huge market space for China's nuclear power related industries. The development of nuclear power-related industries is “national development, government support, and planning power.” Therefore, “alliance efforts” and “enterprise efforts” are needed to bring together five forces to promote the development of nuclear power-related industrial clusters. Industrial alliances must become the "clubs" and "natives" of the member units of the alliance, and they must form an atmosphere of "looking for alliances when they have something to do". They must guide member companies to "open, tolerate, cooperate, and win-win." Harmonious Development. Enterprises should strive to do a good job in the "five tops." That is to choose related products on the Internet, to go out to meet each other actively, to work hard in class to strengthen internal skills, to enter the stage and shortlisted for supporting speeches.

统计 According to statistics, as of now, there are 65 official members of the Haiyan Nuclear Power Related Industry Alliance, including 14 nuclear power system units.