The 11th China International Conference on Nuclear Energy


The 11th China International Conference on Nuclear Energy

Source: China Nuclear Industry News Date: 2015-06-03

    From May 21 to 22, the 11th China International Conference on Nuclear Energy was held in Beijing. As one of the industry's most influential conferences, it has always been a lot of attention, and the convening of this conference is "catch up" with the good times for the development of the industry, and the relevant information revealed during the conference is therefore particularly valued by various circles.

Since entering 2015, good news about China's nuclear power development has continued. After the Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan has passed for 4 years, China has effectively restarted the nuclear power construction process. The start of Hongyanhe Units 5 and 6 set off a firearm. On April 15, the State Council executive meeting decided to approve the construction of the "Hualong One" three-generation nuclear power technology demonstration unit, which was entrusted to "Promote in the adjustment of the energy structure. "High growth." Immediately after, on May 6, the Executive Meeting of the State Council deployed to speed up equipment “going global” and promote international capacity cooperation to expand opening up and promote development and upgrading. On May 7th, it was a long-awaited day in the industry. On that day, the first demonstration project of China ’s third-generation nuclear power technology "Hualong No. 1"-China Nuclear Group Fuqing Unit 5 officially started construction in Fuqing, Fujian. China's first domestically-made three-generation nuclear power technology unit ...

Plutonium is precisely in the presence of so much intensive good news, this conference is being held with momentum, with the intention of further strengthening the nuclear energy industry. The conference focused on the current status and future of the nuclear energy industry, and extensively discussed topics such as nuclear power technology autonomy, "going global", commercialization of fast reactors, localization of equipment and nuclear power plant operation safety, nuclear power investment and financing, uranium mine development, and back-end processing. Communication and in-depth discussions. In the situation where national leaders have repeatedly acted as "nuclear power salesmen" on multiple diplomatic occasions, the "going out" issues such as "Hualong One" have also become a focus of the conference.

Indispensable industrial confidence

Confidence is an indispensable development factor in any industry, and confidence in the nuclear energy industry is even more valuable than other industries. Of course, confidence comes from grasping the present and analyzing the future, rather than "speaking." "As of now, China has 52 nuclear power units in operation, under construction and proposed construction, of which 23 have been put into operation, with a total installed capacity of 21.4 million kilowatts. And 2015 is the key year for nuclear power restart, and it is expected that there will be Four to six units have been approved, and four to six have been put into operation. By the end of the year, the total installed capacity of nuclear power units operating nationwide will reach 30 million kilowatts. By then, China's nuclear power will rank fourth in the world, and the total nuclear power generation More than Japan. "Xu Yuming, deputy secretary-general of the China Nuclear Energy Industry Association, gave the industry sufficient confidence. At the meeting, Wang Jin, director of the International Energy Research Institute of the National Development and Reform Commission, said more directly: "The Fukushima nuclear incident in Japan has brought the development of the domestic nuclear power industry into a few years of cold winter. With the introduction of Made in China 2025, The spring of development is ushered in, and the industry is very confident in the development of nuclear power. "Wang Jin believes that domestic smog is frequent and people are paying more attention to the environment. China ’s energy structure adjustment pressure is not small. An important pillar industry in China. "

In fact, for the Chinese nuclear energy industry, such confidence has always been. According to China's clear nuclear power development plan, by 2020, China's nuclear power installed capacity will need to reach 58 million kilowatts, and the capacity under construction will exceed 30 million kilowatts. "This means that before 2020, China will have to build at least 35 million kilowatts of new nuclear power plants, with an average of 5 to 6 units being built each year. Moreover, with China's urbanization and modernization development, it is estimated that by 2030, the entire society will use electricity It will be doubled than it is now. To achieve the goal of 20% fossil energy in 2020 and peak carbon emissions by 2030, we must vigorously develop low-carbon clean energy including nuclear power. 100 billion yuan in new investment each year Around Yuan. "Xu Yuming said.

China's nuclear power technology on the “autonomous fast track”

之外 Beyond confidence, the progress of China's nuclear power technology, especially the mastery of nuclear power technology with independent intellectual property rights, and the industrial value derived from it, is also the most talked topic among the participants.

With the further advancement of the "Belt and Road" and the official launch of "Made in China 2025", the pace of nuclear power "going global" has been accelerating. "China's future nuclear energy goals are not just about how many nuclear power plants to build, but also need to increase independent innovation, master core technologies, and work hard to make China move from a nuclear power country to a nuclear power country." Xu Yuming said the main focus of China's nuclear energy in the future. point. In his view, the autonomy of nuclear power technology in the future is a key part of China's nuclear power industry to become larger and stronger. The three generations of nuclear power technology represented by "Hualong One", CAP1400, and AP1000 will become the mainstream reactor for China's future large-scale nuclear power development type.

As one of the hottest protagonists at present, the first pile of "Hualong One" has now landed in Fuqing, and it is advancing "step by step" towards the road of mass development. At this conference, "Hualong No. 1" will become China's technological advantage, and it has been agreed that China's nuclear power market will usher in more domestic and foreign markets with greater industrial space. A participant told reporters: "The start of the 'Hualong No. 1' with independent intellectual property rights is indeed a milestone. China is able to use this to enter the first camp of the world's advanced nuclear power level, and its follow-up Development will play a decisive role in China's grasp of more power in the global nuclear power market. In addition, hundreds of Chinese equipment companies have also found capacity to export, shifting from 'unwinding' to broad market demand. "

CAP Another interesting technology, CAP1400, also ushered in an important turning point. According to Zhu Shutang, the relevant person in charge of the research department of the State Nuclear Power Technology Corporation, as one of the major national science and technology projects, the CAP1400 demonstration project has been prepared before the start of work, and the previously troubled main pump problem has also Substantial progress has been made and the project is awaiting approval from the State Council. "The prototype of the CAP1400 wet winding main pump has been assembled and entered the stage of bench test. All other equipment and tests are progressing steadily as planned, and there are basically no problems at the technical level, and everything is currently available."

According to the reporter at the meeting, the first batch of "Hualong No. 1" construction will have equipment localization rate of not less than 85%. After batch construction, the equipment localization rate will not be less than 95%, and key equipment supply will also be Relying on the localization capabilities of existing nuclear power units to achieve “independent control”, at the same time, the CAP1400 equipment localization rate will also reach 85%, and the AP1000 localization rate target is 80%. Most of the main equipment and raw materials can be domestically produce. Obviously, the equipment can be localized, which adds more confidence to China's nuclear power technology, which is moving steadily on the fast track.

In addition to the third-generation nuclear power technology entering the "maturity period", as the fourth-generation nuclear power technology main selection reactor type fast reactor, also debuted at this conference. According to Zhang Donghui, deputy chief engineer of the Chinese Academy of Atomic Energy, research and development of fast reactors and other advanced nuclear energy systems has been accelerating since the beginning of this century. "Compared to thermal reactors, fast reactors are more environmentally friendly, and have a stronger ability to deal with severe accidents, which can be achieved without the need for an off-site emergency." Zhang Donghui also gave detailed statistics of the current global fast reactor construction.

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How is China's fast reactor progressing? Zhang Donghui summarized in one sentence: After years of technology accumulation and the implementation of China's experimental fast reactor project, China has mastered most of the core technologies of fast reactors. "We have established a fast reactor standard specification system, developed a software library for the design and safety evaluation of sodium-cooled fast reactors, and formed a fast reactor that can carry out physics, thermal engineering, mechanics, safety, materials, fuel, Dozens of experimental devices researched on equipment and other aspects. At the same time, through joint research with many enterprises across the country, the domestic rate of China's experimental fast reactor equipment has reached 70%. "

 "Development shortcomings" that still need to break through

It is worth noting that, under the situation that China's nuclear power industry is welcoming a lot of good news, this conference also focused on some issues that the industry urgently needs to think about. As China ’s nuclear energy industry ushers in the “window period”, these issues are raised as a signal to the industry. From the heated discussions on related topics at the conference, we can see that China ’s nuclear energy development requires much more urgent work.

One of them is the start of inland nuclear power. Xu Yuming said that there will be diversified voices in a pluralistic society. When China ’s inland nuclear power is built is not a matter of technology, but of public opinion and government decisions. It is hoped that inland nuclear power will start in 2016 at the latest. Construction started in 2018. "This is a problem for the industry. In addition, we have indeed made a lot of progress in the independent innovation of the nuclear power industry, but in some areas, we still have shortcomings." Xu Yuming said. "For example, in the manufacture of nuclear power equipment, we have not yet fully grasped the core technology of some key equipment, such as nuclear island safety-grade DCS, AP1000 nuclear main pump, etc .; and in terms of process maturity and quality stability, we need to further improve, and It is necessary to continue to carry out technical research and to accumulate more manufacturing experience to improve the first pass rate. It is also necessary to further improve the quality-centered nuclear safety culture and quality assurance system and improve personnel quality. "

With regard to the socialized services of the nuclear power industry, relevant participants also gave suggestions: China's "Atomic Energy Law", "Nuclear Safety Law" and a number of regulatory documents are still being formulated, and time should be taken to improve the law of nuclear power development Regulation system; multi-channel and multi-mode talent training to ensure adequate human resources for the sustainable development of nuclear power; the cultivation of high-quality personnel in key positions of nuclear energy and the accumulation of practical work experience as long-term tasks; innovation Train of thought, centralize the resources of the entire industry, further improve work efficiency and effectiveness; innovate the design of the insurance system, and establish a mutual insurance, co-insurance, and national security system.

In response to China ’s nuclear power “going global” and participating in the global nuclear power market competition, Tang Wenzhong, technical director of China National Nuclear Corporation, said: “Nuclear power 'going global' is not just to promote individual projects, but to drive the entire nuclear power equipment manufacturing To go global and truly realize the “go global” of capital, technology, equipment, engineering services, and operating services. In these aspects, we do not have any technical obstacles now, but the legal, policy, regulatory, and financing issues of overseas destinations Is a real problem for us. "

Francois Morin, director of the World Nuclear Energy Association China, said at the conference that the global nuclear energy market has a lot of space. "In the future, the size of the global nuclear product and nuclear service procurement market may reach US $ 575 billion. Among them, aging reactor units are It will be dismantled in 2030, and this part will also bring about 92 billion US dollars of investment. But we must not be too eager for quick success, nuclear power projects are costly, and there are some policy and legal obstacles. We must talk to local governments, environmental protection organizations, regulatory agencies, etc. There is a lot of dealings. The 'going out' of China's nuclear power requires more time and training and technical experience, and how to solve the financing problem is a common challenge facing all enterprises. "In this regard, Wang Jin also expressed similar Thoughts: "China has accumulated a lot of experience in nuclear power design, construction, and operation, but there is still a gap between basic scientific research in various fields of nuclear safety and advanced nuclear power countries. Whether it is the AP1000 in the United States or the 'Hualong' independently developed by China No. 1 'and CAP1400 technology, both need more time to accumulate more business experience "(Wei Jilei)