Nuclear power equipment companies out of trouble and escort for "Hualong One"


Nuclear power equipment companies out of trouble and escort for "Hualong One"

Source: China-Singapore Networks Date: 2015-05-14

    On May 7, the first domestic "Hualong No. 1" demonstration project, Fuqing Unit 5, officially started. This indicates that China's independent third-generation nuclear power technology has officially entered the construction phase. The construction of Fuqing No. 5 and No. 6 nuclear power units will make full use of China's mature nuclear power equipment manufacturing system and independently develop key equipment and components, and the localization rate of equipment will exceed 85%.

"As one of the first 'Hualong No.1' demonstration project suppliers, Dongfang Electric has undertaken the first domestic 'Hualong No.1' demonstration project and the main equipment such as the turbine generator sets of the Fujian Fuqing Unit 5 and Unit 6 project. Design, manufacturing, and manufacturing of steam generators. The turbine generator set uses three generations of nuclear power technology independently developed by Dongfang Electric and has independent intellectual property rights, with high safety and advanced and reliable technology. "Dongfang Electric Co., Ltd. (" Dongfang Electric " "Said Wang Hong, general manager of the Nuclear Power Business Unit. Dongfang Electric will take the approval of "Hualong No. 1" and the subsequent export as an opportunity to enhance the independent design and manufacturing capabilities of nuclear power equipment and promote the "going out" of China's nuclear power, while achieving the strategic goal of stronger and better enterprises and sustainable development.

Equipment enterprises usher in order release period

"This year marks the 60th anniversary of the founding of China's nuclear industry, and it is expected that 6 to 8 nuclear power units will start construction nationwide." Sun Qin, chairman of China Nuclear Group, stated that before the "Hualong No. 1" demonstration unit was approved for construction, Unit No. officially started on March 29, which marked the resumption of construction of new nuclear power projects in China's coastal areas.

In fact, before the Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan, China had set the goal of "accelerating the development of nuclear power" and set off a "nuclear power fever". However, after the Fukushima accident, the approval of all new nuclear power projects in China was halted urgently, and the projects under construction were also thoroughly inspected. Nuclear power industry chain companies were facing a shortage of orders, and the industry development was at a standstill.

"We have waited too long, as equipment manufacturing enterprises look forward to the accelerated restart of nuclear power projects." Several leaders of nuclear power equipment manufacturing enterprises said that in the face of China's first "Hualong One" demonstration project, equipment companies are ready.

It is understood that the start of the third-generation nuclear power technology demonstration unit of "Hualong No. 1" will supply some key equipment supply companies such as China First Heavy Industries, Dongfang Electric, Shanghai Electric, Harbin Electric, China Nuclear Technology, and West Nuclear Equipment. Bring order release.

China Yizhong has undertaken the task of manufacturing all reactor pressure vessels of the Hualong No. 1 demonstration project. Dongfang Electric has undertaken the tasks of designing and manufacturing main equipment such as steam turbines and generating units of Fuqing Units 5 and 6 in Fujian, and manufacturing of steam generators. Shanghai Electric will be responsible for manufacturing reactor internal components in the "Hualong-1" demonstration project.

"The Hualong No. 1 demonstration project undertaken by Shanghai Electric, that is, the raw materials of the reactor internal components of Fuqing Unit 5 and Unit 6, has arrived at the plant and has officially started manufacturing on May 7." Zhu Genfu, Vice President of Shanghai Electric Group Co., Ltd. According to the introduction, Shanghai Electric has been able to provide from nuclear island pressure vessels, steam generators, voltage regulators, reactor internal components, control rod drive mechanisms, main pumps to nuclear second and third stage pumps, nuclear second and third stage vessels, and loading and unloading. Feeders, to steam turbines, steam turbine generators and main auxiliary machines of conventional islands, as well as nuclear power equipment such as large-scale castings and instrumentation.

"In terms of R & D and manufacturing of conventional island equipment, Dongfang Electric successfully manufactured 1 million kilowatts and 1.75 million kilowatts of turbo-generator units through technology introduction and technical cooperation. At the same time, Dongfang Electric undertakes the national major science and technology special large-scale advanced pressurized water reactor (CAP1400) conventional island Research and research on independent design and manufacturing of key equipment. Relying on the CAP1400 project, independently developed 1828mm low-pressure final stage long blade technology and rotor welding technology, etc., and successfully won the National Nuclear Demonstration CAP1400 project and Fuqing No. 5 and No. 6 Hualong on this basis. "The supply contract for the steam turbine generator set of the No. 1 project." Wang Hong said.

Escort for "Hualong One"

"Hualong No. 1" is a three-generation nuclear power generator developed and designed by China Nuclear Group and China Guangdong Nuclear Power Group based on more than 30 years of nuclear power research, design, manufacturing, construction, and operation experience in China. type. Its safety and performance indicators have reached the advanced level of international third-generation nuclear power technology, with complete independent intellectual property rights, which has become the strategic goal of the Chinese government to promote nuclear power technology to go abroad.

2In February this year, China and Argentine signed an agreement that the Hualong No. 1 nuclear power station will be settled in Argentina, which marks the first time that China's independent third-generation nuclear power technology has successfully sailed to sea. In April, China and Pakistan again signed an agreement to export five "Hualong-1" nuclear reactors to Pakistan, which is by far the largest export project of nuclear power in China. At present, China and the United Kingdom have reached consensus on many core terms of the UK nuclear power project cooperation agreement, and the "Hualong One" third-generation nuclear power technology is expected to land on British nuclear power projects.

"The export of nuclear power units can drive the domestic equipment manufacturing industry and related technical services to go global." Industry insiders pointed out that exporting a million-kilowatt nuclear power unit can drive equipment manufacturing and design to exceed tens of billions of yuan, the full life Over 100 billion yuan.

At present, the production capacity of domestic equipment manufacturing industry can reach 8 to 10 sets per year. Therefore, in addition to meeting domestic and future development needs, we are fully capable of “going global”.

"Through 10 years of development, Dongfang Electric has undergone the transformation and upgrade of single product, single project supply to multiple varieties, batch supply. In the process, Dongfang Electric has established a nuclear power management system that meets market demand and cultivated The market demand for the ability to supply complete sets of nuclear power equipment and a relatively complete industrial chain has established a nuclear power quality assurance system that meets national and industry requirements, promoted the concept of a nuclear safety culture, and cultivated a talented team with comprehensive technology and experienced management. Wang Hong said that Dongfang Electric will seize the "Hualong No. 1" demonstration project and export opportunities, enhance the independent design and manufacturing capabilities of nuclear power equipment, and promote China's nuclear power technology to go global.