China Nuclear Energy Industry Association: Safety of China's Inland Nuclear Power Plants Guaranteed


China Nuclear Energy Industry Association: Safety of China's Inland Nuclear Power Plants Guaranteed

Source: China Nuclear Industry News Date: 2015-04-29

    In order to actively promote the construction of inland nuclear power and eliminate the public's doubts about inland nuclear power, the China Nuclear Energy Industry Association held an inland nuclear power research conference in Beijing on April 24, focusing on releasing the safety of inland nuclear power plant sites and inland nuclear power response to the society The research results such as the capability of the accident introduced the conclusions related to the environment and safety of inland nuclear power in a scientific and rigorous manner.

It is understood that this research is the second research report on inland nuclear power after the China Nuclear Energy Industry Association released the research results of “Inland Nuclear Power Plant Environmental Impact Assessment” on May 31, 2013.

The study was organized by experts from the Nuclear Energy Industry Association in 2014. The results are based on previous years' research on inland nuclear power-related issues, and focused on completing the control and assessment of radioactive liquid effluent emissions from inland nuclear power plants, inland nuclear power Control and assessment of radioactive airborne effluent emissions from power plants, environmental impact assessments related to groundwater pathways of inland nuclear power plants, safety of domestic nuclear power plants in China, emergency plans to ensure water safety under severe accident conditions of inland nuclear power plants, And related topics such as public communication and social stability risk assessment of inland nuclear power, completed a comprehensive and in-depth study of inland nuclear power environment and safety related issues, and reached relevant conclusions.

I concluded that from the international successful experience, more than half a century of practice shows that there are no important differences between inland nuclear power plants and coastal nuclear power plants. However, because the environment of inland nuclear power plants is different from that of coastal nuclear power plants, the engineering and technical measures adopted to meet safety requirements will be different. More than half of the nuclear power plants operating in countries around the world are built inland. For example, French inland nuclear power accounts for 69%, and US inland nuclear power accounts for 61.5%. Among them, the Mississippi River has 21 nuclear power plants with a total installed capacity of over 30 million kilowatts. The fact that inland nuclear power has operated safely for more than 50 years in the world shows that the safety of inland nuclear power plants is guaranteed and has no impact on the public and the environment.

Relevant experts said at the press conference that the safety regulations and standards of inland nuclear power plants in China and coastal nuclear power plants are consistent, but in order to fully consider the impact of radioactive effluent emissions from inland nuclear power plants on the environment, local ecosystems and the public, Liquid effluent emission requirements are 10 times stricter than coastal nuclear power, which is the most stringent international requirement at present, achieving "near zero" emissions.

The conclusion shows that the system of laws, regulations and standards on which inland nuclear power plant sites are selected is systematic and complete. The process of site selection is scientific, rigorous, meticulous, and sufficient, and meets the requirements of current international advanced standards. Thematic research and analysis on the impact of social concerns on inland plant floods, earthquakes, water intake safety, hydraulic dispersion, gas dispersion, population distribution, and heat dissipation systems show that, despite the natural and social aspects of China's coastal and inland areas, There are certain differences in the environment, but through scientific and reasonable site selection and scientific layout, the impact of external extreme events on nuclear power plants and the impact of nuclear power plants on the external environment can be reduced to a very low level.

After summarizing the lessons learned from the Fukushima nuclear accident, the international nuclear energy community has made an in-depth assessment of the credible serious accident risks of nuclear power plants, and did not mention that inland nuclear power plants pose risks to water safety. According to the relevant requirements of China's nuclear safety regulations, it can be considered that the risk of inland nuclear power plants to water resources safety is a residual risk with a lower probability than the risks of various credible serious accidents. (Wei Jilei)