People's Daily: Restarting coastal nuclear power construction is a realistic option


People's Daily: Restarting coastal nuclear power construction is a realistic option

Source: People's Daily. Date: 2015-03-31.

    On March 29, the construction of Unit 5 of Liaoning Hongyanhe Nuclear Power Plant started. This was the first project started after the central government proposed to start the construction of a new nuclear power project in the eastern coastal area last year, and it has become a sign of China's restart of coastal nuclear power.

 After the Fukushima nuclear accident in March 2011, China conducted a comprehensive safety inspection of nuclear facilities across the country and suspended the approval of new nuclear power projects. A number of projects that have been approved before the accident but have not yet started are also delayed. Although some experts and the public have some concerns about the safety and reliability of nuclear power, it has become the consensus of the industry and academia to develop nuclear power in China.

First, enhance energy security capabilities and ensure energy security. China's fossil energy supply is in short supply. In 2014, China's foreign oil dependence has risen to nearly 60%, and natural gas has over 30%. Not only that, the situation of China's energy source being too single and the lack of security in the channel still not completely changed. A modest increase in nuclear energy development is an important way to improve China's energy self-sufficiency.

Second, adjust the energy structure and promote energy conservation and emission reduction. China's energy structure is dominated by coal, and coal consumption is the main source of atmospheric pollution in China. To optimize China's energy structure, we must vigorously reduce the proportion of coal. Compared with hydropower, wind power, and solar power, nuclear power has the characteristics of strong stability and good economy, and it also has obvious advantages in improving the environment.

Compared with other countries, the proportion of nuclear power in China is still very low. The total installed capacity of nuclear power generating units operating in China is 20 million kilowatts, and nuclear power only accounts for 2.2% of China's power generation. This percentage is not only much lower than France's 75%, but also much lower than the global ratio of about 16%.

Third, promote the development of high-end equipment and promote the “going out” of nuclear power. In recent years, with the increasing maturity of China's nuclear power technology, the export of nuclear power technology and equipment has become a competitive product that keeps pace with high-speed rail technology. At present, China has two independent brands in three generations of nuclear power technology-Hualong No. 1 and CAP1400. China's independently designed and constructed nuclear power plants have shorter construction cycles, lower costs, and strong international competitiveness. Through the construction and operation of a number of third-generation nuclear power projects, they can better build Chinese brands in the nuclear power sector.

In terms of nuclear safety issues that the public is worried about, China has always put nuclear safety at the forefront of the peaceful use of nuclear energy, and has maintained a good nuclear safety record. After the Fukushima nuclear accident, China stopped all nuclear power plants under construction and switched to third-generation nuclear power technology. The safety indicators of the third generation technology have been greatly improved on the basis of the second generation. Of course, there is no absolute safety in the operation of nuclear power plants, but considering various factors comprehensively, restarting coastal nuclear power construction and moderately developing nuclear power are China's realistic choices.