Focus on the two sessions: "nuclear" sound "nuclear" potential


Focus on the two sessions: "nuclear" sound "nuclear" potential

Source: China Nuclear Industry News Date: 2015-03-11

    Editor's note: The NPC and CPPCC are in progress. Prime Minister Li Keqiang proposed in the government report that “safe development of nuclear power” will allow the nuclear industry to focus on nuclear power development both inside and outside the country.


CPPCC members call for early start of construction of Hunan Taohuajiang Nuclear Power Plant

"Inland nuclear power is the same as coastal nuclear power. Its technology is mature, and both are safe and reliable." The first sponsor, Chen Qiufa, member of the CPPCC National Committee and chairman of the Hunan Provincial CPPCC, attended the third session of the CPPCC National Committee in Hunan. CPPCC members submitted a joint proposal to the conference on March 3, calling for the early start of construction of the Hunan Taohuajiang Nuclear Power Plant.

Under the premise of ensuring safety, the efficient development of nuclear power and the establishment of a strong nuclear power country are the fundamental ways for China to cope with climate change and resolve the current dual pressures of energy development and environmental protection. It is also an irreplaceable strategic choice for China's energy development. The proposal says that the vast majority of our country's land area is inland. With the slowdown of economic development in coastal areas, the transformation of development models, and the depletion of plant resources, the development space for coastal nuclear power is shrinking. It is an inevitable trend to shift the focus of nuclear power development from coastal to inland areas. The safety of nuclear power is not divided into coastal and inland areas, and the construction standards and regulatory requirements of nuclear power from site selection to decommissioning are not divided into coastal and inland areas. More than half of the nuclear power units operating in the world are built inland.

The Kuo proposal said that in the face of China's growing energy demand, limited fossil energy and pressure to reduce environmental pollution, nuclear power can play a greater role. The development of inland nuclear power is a necessary measure to improve the quality of China ’s atmospheric environment and control atmospheric smog such as PM2.5.

Proposal analysis, since the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan”, Hunan Province has required long-distance coal transportation every year. According to estimates, Hunan ’s coal prices have reached the highest in the world, and coal-fired electricity prices are the second highest in the country, which directly affects economic operations and residents ’living costs. The development of nuclear power is the best realistic option for Hunan to solve the energy bottleneck in economic and social development.

According to the proposal, at present, all preparations for the Taohuajiang Nuclear Power Project are ahead of other inland nuclear power projects, and they are fully equipped for construction. "Under the general framework of the national energy strategic layout, it is a general trend to start the construction of inland nuclear power." The proposal states that in the near future, the key technical issues of the AP1000 relying on the Zhejiang Sanmen Nuclear Power Project have been gradually resolved, and the key technical issues of concern to the inland public have also It was resolved. According to national requirements, the preparatory work for the Taohuajiang Nuclear Power Project has been suspended for nearly four years and has now reached the final year of the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan". Even if construction is started after the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" in accordance with national requirements, due to the unique nature of nuclear power projects The rigid cycle of equipment manufacturing and construction preparation should also immediately start to restart the preliminary work. Therefore, it is recommended to look at the development of Hunan inland nuclear power from a practical and scientific perspective, and to approve the Taohuajiang Nuclear Power Project as an inland nuclear power demonstration project during the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period as soon as possible to meet the energy needs of Hunan's economic and social development.

21 members jointly propose to promote a new round of scale development of nuclear power

The NPC and CPPCC are being held, initiated by He Yu Yu, member of the CPPCC National Committee and chairman of China General Nuclear Power Corporation; Qian Yong, member of the CPPCC National Committee and vice president of the Chinese Academy of Engineering; Zhu Zhixin, member of the CPPCC National Committee and former deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission; The conference submitted a proposal of the CPPCC entitled "Promoting a New Round of Development of Nuclear Power and Realizing the Strategic Goal of National Energy Structure Adjustment in the Middle and Long Term".

He Yuyu said in an interview that under the constraints of meeting the rigid requirements for energy rigidity and rigid requirements for energy conservation and emission reduction in a well-off society, nuclear power has the strongest substitution effect and should be developed on a large scale. "According to estimates, the installed capacity of nuclear power must reach 150 million to 200 million kilowatts in order to effectively support the goal of achieving 20% of total primary energy consumption by non-fossil energy in 2030."

To this end, he made three suggestions: from the national strategic level, to further clarify the pillar position of nuclear power in China's energy and power supply and achieve large-scale development; in accordance with the principle of "same site, same technical route", focusing on coastal expansion projects, Filled with mature reactor technology with the main features of three generations of technology to promote the healthy, orderly and uninterrupted development of the nuclear power industry as a whole; put inland nuclear power construction on the agenda and strive for the early stage of the "13th Five-Year Plan" Construction of the first batch of inland nuclear power projects started.

总理 Premier Li Keqiang clearly stated in this year's government work report that the development mode of high investment, high consumption, and emphasis on quantitative expansion has become unsustainable. "It is necessary to maintain a balance between stable growth and structural adjustment." He Yu said that under the current rigid constraints of energy conservation and emission reduction in China, the large-scale development of nuclear power and the substantial replacement of non-fossil energy are the only way to achieve the goal of optimizing the energy structure and protect the ecological environment.

At present, the installed capacity of nuclear power in China is 20.28 million kilowatts, and the installed capacity under construction is 28 million kilowatts. If it is to develop to 150 million to 200 million kilowatts on a large scale in 15 years, is China's nuclear power ready? He Yu said that China's nuclear power already has the foundation and conditions for large-scale development.

He Yu said that after nearly 30 years of uninterrupted development, especially the rapid development since the "11th Five-Year Plan", China's innovation has formed a third-generation nuclear power technology "Hualong No. 1" with completely independent intellectual property rights, and has developed nuclear power on a large scale. Technical capabilities. At the same time, China has formed a strong industrial chain supporting capability. China's nuclear power equipment manufacturing capacity has reached 10 to 12 sets / year, and the project construction capacity can meet the simultaneous construction of 30 to 50 units. In addition, the personnel training and reserve system has been continuously improved. In the past 10 years, various nuclear power enterprises have continuously trained a large number of talents, which has well satisfied the needs of China's nuclear power R & D design, engineering construction, and production and operation. Nuclear fuel supply is fully guaranteed. In the past 10 years, several major nuclear power companies have continued to make breakthroughs in the development of overseas uranium resources, which can fully meet the needs of subsequent nuclear power scale development.

Xu Heyu said that practice has shown that inland and coastal nuclear power have the same standards in design, construction and operation. "China has basically completed the preliminary preparation and demonstration of inland nuclear power. On-site preparation of three inland nuclear power projects of 'two lakes and one river' has reached the conditions for commencement at any time." He Yu suggested that China should put inland nuclear power construction on the agenda. To strive for the construction of the first batch of inland nuclear power projects during the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan".


Nuclear industry reform should focus on "four benefits"

In the past 60 years, China's nuclear industry has successfully developed atomic bombs, hydrogen bombs, and nuclear submarines, and achieved independent, serialized, and large-scale development of nuclear power. The foundation is independent innovation. A few years ago, it was controversial whether China's nuclear power development relied on independent research and development or the direct introduction of foreign three-generation technology. The battle for technology is really a benefit consideration. In particular, after the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident in Japan, the design weaknesses of nuclear power technology in the prevention and mitigation of multiple disasters have been exposed, and nuclear safety has been placed with higher requirements and expectations. Under such circumstances, the Chinese nuclear industry has conducted safety inspections of all nuclear power projects under construction and operation, and has made safety improvements in accordance with international safety standards. At the same time, based on feedback from the Fukushima nuclear accident experience, it has relied on its own strength. To achieve the upgrading of nuclear power technology. As a result, the third-generation nuclear power brand "Hualong No. 1" with complete independent intellectual property rights came into being. Doing so is highly responsible to the country, to the people, and to humanity, and it also reflects the ambition and historical responsibility of the Chinese nuclear industry.

Focusing on the better development of China's nuclear power industry in the future, two issues need to be considered.

The first is to do a good job of propaganda work to eliminate the psychological barriers of the public and promote the development of China's nuclear power to two markets at home and abroad. Although nuclear power “going global” has become a national strategy, China ’s largest market for nuclear power has remained in the country for quite some time. On the one hand, this is the need for China's economic transformation and the adjustment of the energy industry structure under the new normal. On the other hand, developing and accelerating the development of inland nuclear power and gradually surpassing coastal nuclear power in the regional layout should also be a broader potential for China's nuclear power market Period outlook.

To do a good job of public communication, we must rely on publicity and win trust. In the context of international competition, China's current public opinion battle around the road to economic development exists objectively. If you don't pay attention to it, you will suffer a lot. We must earnestly grasp the people's psychological tangled points, and some of them are unbuttoned. For example, people's concerns about nuclear power are mainly concentrated on the "three nuclear" issues, that is, nuclear waste disposal, nuclear accident response and nuclear strike protection (referring to terrorist attacks or war against nuclear facilities). It is necessary to use new and effective media means, techniques and methods to disseminate science, clarify facts, and eliminate various misunderstandings.

Second, proceeding from the objective requirements of China's nuclear power development, correctly grasp the characteristics and direction principles of the national nuclear industry system and enterprise reform. The nuclear industry has a special status and a vital position. It is the cornerstone of security and strategic life in the "material foundation" and "political foundation" of the state power. How to reform is very sensitive.

From the perspective of industrial characteristics and development strategies, the nuclear industry reform should focus on "the four benefits", that is, it is conducive to strengthening China's nuclear strategic strength, it is conducive to enhancing the independent innovation ability in the nuclear energy field, it is conducive to "going global", and to the party. Effective control of national nuclear security and long-term security of the socialist regime. Under these principles, "union" is more important than "hybrid", and "unification" is more urgent than "score". The situation of decentralized internal consumption and repeated construction of China's nuclear industry, which has gradually formed since the 1980s, urgently needs to be changed. Reforms should be adopted as soon as possible to strengthen resource integration, unite and strengthen forces, and unify and coordinate to achieve the national strategy. Do not catch up with the tide and graphics in the reform, and do "mixing for mixing". Nuclear military and civilian core scientific research and production enterprises have high technology density and strong military and land interoperability. They cannot be simply divided. They must adhere to the sole proprietorship. If other enterprises need to absorb the participation of social capital and implement a hybrid system for listing, they must also ensure that the state-owned assets are absolutely controlled. Put China's nuclear industry's international competitiveness, influence, national control, and anti-risk capabilities in a prominent position; in improving the corporate governance mechanism of the company, it must unswervingly strengthen party leadership, fully embody the fine tradition of democratic management, and establish And improve the modern socialist enterprise system with Chinese characteristics. (The author is Song Fangmin, Executive Deputy Dean of Kunlun Ce Research Institute; the above text is comprehensively compiled according to relevant reports from Global Times, Hunan Daily, and Xinhuanet)