The fiery midwinter of the nuclear energy industry


Speech: The fiery midwinter of the nuclear energy industry

Source: China Nuclear Industry News Date: 2014-12-03

    It was midwinter, but the Chinese nuclear energy industry was in a fiery scene. From the "Hulong No. 1" to the national "road" is about to land in Fuqing, to the first million-kilowatt nuclear power unit in Zhejiang, and to the country's frequent introduction of policies and regulations related to nuclear energy development. The unabated nuclear industry has reached new hotspots this winter and at the same time heralds the perfect ending of the year.

On November 3, the National Energy Administration issued a document approving the use of the "Hualong No. 1" technical solution for the Fujian and Fujian nuclear power units 5 and 6. As soon as the news came out, it was like a fire in winter, and the enthusiasm of the industry was ignited. From last year to this year, from domestic to foreign countries, the topic of "Hualong One" has been repeatedly mentioned by people who are concerned about the development of nuclear energy. At the end of the year, it has finally become a positive fruit, and the dawn has just dawned. A hand, occupying the status of the headlines of the relevant media.

The good news that the Fangjiashan Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1 was successfully connected to the grid on November 4th is tantamount to adding another piece of firewood to the fire that is already nearing its peak. Fangjiashan Nuclear Power is an expansion project of Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant (Phase 1). Its successful grid connection has realized the historical leap of independent development of nuclear power in China from 300,000 kilowatts to 1 million kilowatts. For Zhejiang Province, as the province's first million-kilowatt nuclear power unit, the success of Fangjiashan Nuclear Power's grid connection is undoubtedly iconic, which has enabled the clean energy strength of this large nuclear power province to be upgraded.

Even in the big drama that attracted the attention of the whole country and even the world staged in Beijing in November, it is not difficult to find the figure of "nuclear". On November 8, during the APEC meeting, under the joint witness of Chinese Premier Li Keqiang and Canadian Prime Minister Harper, the National Energy Administration of China and the Canadian Ministry of Natural Resources signed a memorandum of understanding on nuclear energy cooperation; China National Nuclear Corporation and Kandu, Canada The energy company signed a framework agreement on the formation of a joint venture between the two companies to jointly develop and promote advanced fuel heavy water reactors and jointly develop domestic and international nuclear energy markets.

核 In the "China-US Joint Statement on Climate Change" jointly issued by China and the United States on November 12, nuclear power also played a compelling role. The "Joint Statement" announced that China will strive to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from around 2030. The United States has pledged to ensure that greenhouse gas emissions in 2025 will be reduced by nearly a quarter compared to 2005. The Joint Statement also stated that the two sides plan to continue to strengthen policy dialogue and pragmatic cooperation, including cooperation on advanced coal technology, nuclear energy, shale gas and renewable energy, which will help the two countries optimize their energy structures and reduce Emissions from coal. Specifically include: expanding joint research and development of clean energy, promoting major demonstrations of carbon capture, utilization, and storage, strengthening cooperation on HFCs, launching climate-smart / low-carbon cities initiatives, promoting green product trade, and demonstrating clean energy in the field.

As the world's two largest greenhouse gas emitters, China and the United States account for 42% of global emissions. This time, China and the United States made a joint statement. While pushing forward the global climate change negotiation process, they also expressed the firm determination and commitment of their respective governments to save energy and reduce emissions. In response, Xie Zhenhua, deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission, stated that from China's point of view, after determining such a goal, he actually established himself a reverse mechanism to promote the transformation of domestic development methods and structural adjustments, transformation and upgrading. Improve the quality and efficiency of economic growth. He also said that to achieve the goal of reducing carbon intensity by 17% during the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" period, we must adjust the energy structure and vigorously develop non-fossil energy sources such as nuclear power, hydropower, wind power, and solar energy.

Correspondingly, the restart situation of nuclear power, which has become clearer this year, was again strongly confirmed in November. On November 19, the General Office of the State Council issued the Strategic Action Plan for Energy Development (2014-2020), which specified that by 2020, the installed capacity of nuclear power will reach 58 million kilowatts and the capacity under construction will exceed 30 million kilowatts. This is in line with the objectives of the Medium and Long-Term Development Plan for Nuclear Power (2011-2020). The issue of inland nuclear power, which has always been marginal before, has also received attention in the action plan. Different from the previous “no arrangement” inland nuclear power meter, the official for the first time proposed to study and demonstrate the construction of inland nuclear power. This means that after the country has repeatedly stressed this year that it is necessary to start new nuclear power projects in the eastern coastal areas in a timely manner, the restart of inland nuclear power will also be on the agenda.

The continued rise in the nuclear power market is providing huge business opportunities for the domestic equipment manufacturing industry. Some industry experts predict that by 2020, China's total investment in nuclear power construction will reach about 300 billion yuan, of which equipment investment is about 150 billion yuan. If the localization rate of equipment reaches 60% to 70%, then domestic nuclear power equipment manufacturing enterprises will face a huge cake of more than 100 billion yuan.

At the same time, the trend of attracting private capital into the nuclear power sector is also increasing. On November 26, the National Development and Reform Commission held a press conference to interpret the "State Council's Guiding Opinions on Encouraging Social Investment in Investment and Financing Mechanisms in Innovative Key Areas". The opinion mentioned that social capital is encouraged to participate in power construction, including hydropower stations, nuclear power projects, wind photovoltaics, biomass, etc. People in the industry believe that these engineering fields are all capital-intensive, and after the investment is completed, stable returns can be obtained, and social capital is encouraged to enter, which can not only diversify the source of funds, but also ensure the safety of corporate investment. The opinion specifically pointed out that, on the premise of ensuring that nuclear power holding entities are responsible for nuclear safety, social capital is introduced to participate in nuclear power project investment, and private capital is encouraged to enter the nuclear power equipment research and development and nuclear power service fields.

With the development of clean energy increasingly becoming an international trend, even in Asia's nuclear energy field, China is by no means "one person fighting." South Korea said on November 21 that the construction of two new nuclear power plants will begin as early as 2017 and the construction of two other nuclear power plants will begin in 2022, which will make South Korea plan to build 11 new nuclear power plants by 2024. South Korea currently has 23 nuclear power plants operating, and nuclear power accounts for one-third of South Korea's total power generation. As a pioneer in the field of nuclear power “going global”, South Korea ’s experience can be used as a reference for China ’s nuclear energy industry.

From the three generations of autonomous nuclear power technology condensing the hard work of Chinese nuclear power people to settle in China to continue to aim at "going global", China's nuclear energy development path is getting wider and wider. It is conceivable that in the near future, more exciting scenes will continue to be staged, and the scenes will be even more popular. (Xiao Yu)