The Third International Conference on Strengthening Nuclear Safety and Nuclear Security Technology to be Held in Beijing


The Third International Conference on Strengthening Nuclear Safety and Nuclear Security Technology to be Held in Beijing

Source: China Environment News Date: 2014-10-23

    The Third International Conference of Technical and Scientific Support Institutions on the Challenges of Strengthening Nuclear Safety and Security (hereinafter referred to as the “TSO Conference”) will be held in Beijing from October 27 to 31, 2014.

 This conference is a major international conference for science and technology support institutions after the Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan. One of its goals is to help participants understand the impact of the Fukushima nuclear accident on TSO and learn lessons.

In order for readers to have a better understanding of TSO meetings, previous TSO meetings will be reviewed.

提高 In order to improve the capabilities of the Technical and Scientific Support Organization (TSO) for nuclear safety and promote mutual exchanges, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) regularly organizes TSO meetings.

In 2007 and 2010, the IAEA held the first and second TSO meetings in France and Japan, respectively.

First TSO Conference (Host: France)

背景 Conference background: France, Germany and Japan propose a special meeting

The IAEA has organized a series of large-scale international conferences in the past 20 years to study and resolve hot issues in nuclear safety and seek countermeasures.

In 2006, the IAEA held an international conference on "Effective Nuclear Regulatory System-Meeting the Challenges of Safety and Security" in Moscow, Russia. This is the first international conference dedicated to solving the problems of regulators, bringing together the nuclear safety of countries around the world. , Senior regulators of radiation safety and nuclear security, to discuss how to improve the effectiveness of regulation.

The Moscow Conference believes that effective nuclear safety regulation is essential for the safe use of nuclear energy and related technologies, and is also a prerequisite for the establishment of an effective global nuclear safety system.

The plutonium conference also emphasized the importance of continuing and strengthening international cooperation in the field of nuclear safety. These conclusions are also applicable to TSO, because the professional technical support provided by TSO for regulatory decision-making is an important part of ensuring the safety of nuclear facilities and activities throughout the life cycle and improving safety.

As early as proposed by the heads of the three parties TSO of the French Institute of Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection (IRSN), the German Institute of Nuclear Safety (GRS) and the Japan Atomic Safety Agency (JNES), an international conference dedicated to solving TSO issues was proposed.

概况 Conference Overview: TSO must keep pace with nuclear technology development

The first TSO conference was held from April 23 to 27, 2007 in Aix-en-Provence, France. Li Ganjie, director of China's Nuclear Safety Administration, chaired the conference, and more than 170 representatives from 45 countries and 4 international organizations attended the conference.

This is the first meeting dedicated to TSO to discuss its problems and challenges in providing active and effective technical and expert support.

主题 The four themes of this conference are:

TSO's status, functions and roles: clarify the status and functions of TSO to provide technical support to regulatory authorities, operating units and industries, and outline the role TSO plays in strengthening nuclear and radiation safety;

Challenges and effectiveness of TSO: Emphasizes the increasingly important role of TSO in the development of global nuclear energy, as well as discovering and solving current and future challenges faced by TSO. The meeting discussed several major challenges related to globalization, regulatory and management issues that TSO faces, which are divided into two categories: long-term existence and current emergence;

International cooperation, interconnection and application of IAEA safety standards: emphasized the importance of conducting international cooperation and safety-related special studies to consolidate and improve the scientific and technological capabilities and professionalism of TSO, and the contribution of TSO to strengthening the global nuclear safety system;

Continuous development and change in technical support: TSO must keep pace with the development and progress of nuclear technology in order to provide the best technical support for improving nuclear and radiation safety.

成果 Outcome: TSO should provide independent technical advice

The first TSO conference reached the following conclusions:

TSO plays an important role in the safe, reliable and effective use of nuclear energy and related technologies. TSO's efforts are an integral part of achieving global energy security and sustainable development. TSO needs a solid knowledge base, strong technical capabilities and sufficient resources. The TSO should provide independent technical advice without being affected by external pressure. Effective regional and international cooperation between TSOs is essential to consolidate and continuously improve their capabilities. TSOs should regularly organize meetings to discuss common problems and share experiences.

The meeting also made the following recommendations:

In order to collaborate and share knowledge and experience more effectively, a fixed network of contacts should be established between TSOs and between TSOs and other relevant agencies; TSOs can use existing cooperation frameworks to conduct joint research, especially in the IAEA and OECD- Within the existing framework of NEA; international organizations should play an active role in addressing issues such as the status and role of TSO raised by member countries, and considering related issues and solutions; international organizations should play an active role in promoting the establishment of TSO peer review And self-assessment methods; TSO should establish a management system, especially qualification management procedures, to consolidate and improve its credibility and capabilities; IAEA should continue to conduct activities related to the safety of nuclear facilities, radiation protection, nuclear security and environmental protection, etc. provide technical support.

Second TSO Conference (Host Country: Japan)

 Conference background: Establishing international cooperation and contact platform

 Senior regulators, TSO leaders and other stakeholders participating in the first TSO conference agreed that it is necessary to establish a platform for communication between TSOs to strengthen nuclear safety and security. To implement this proposal, the second TSO conference was held in 2010, focusing on international cooperation and contact platforms between TSOs, especially TSO's position within the regulatory framework, and TSOs in countries considering building nuclear power projects. Capacity building issues.

 Conference Overview: Promoting National Capacity Building for Nuclear Power

The 2nd TSO International Conference was held in Tokyo, Japan from October 25th to 29th, 2010. Mr. J. Repussard, President of the French Institute for Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection (IRSN) served as the chairman of the conference from 46 countries and 5 international The organization's 229 representatives attended.

The objectives of this meeting are: to agree on the responsibilities, needs, and opportunities of TSO; further promote international cooperation and interconnection between TSOs to strengthen nuclear and radiation safety and nuclear security, and promote the use of nuclear power and nuclear technology in countries and emerging countries Capacity building in nuclear power countries.

The summary session of the conference put forward specific suggestions on how to strengthen the role of TSO as an important part of the global nuclear safety and security system, and how to establish and promote information exchange and cooperation between TSOs.

 Conference Outcome: Government has the responsibility to strengthen TSO capacity building

 The conference reached 6 conclusions:

Since the 2007 TSO Conference, great progress has been made on the positioning, functions, and cooperation of TSO, but there are still many ongoing challenges, especially for member states preparing to develop nuclear power projects; in order to give nuclear safety and security Supervision provides full support, it is very important to integrate resources, continuously strengthen and optimize the current TSO's technical capabilities; fully recognize the technical support needs in the field of nuclear security; the government is responsible for the formulation and implementation of TSO capacity-building policies; for nuclear energy projects And countries that are about to build nuclear energy projects, the demand for TSO is particularly important; the capacity building of TSO needs to be continuously strengthened.

The meeting also made 5 suggestions:

The IAEA will consider incorporating the conclusions of this conference and the follow-up feedback from member countries into the drafted IAEA security guidelines "External Expert Support on Security Issues"; the third TSO conference will be held from 2013 to 2014, and the meeting plan It should start as soon as possible. China has expressed its willingness to host it; it is committed to establishing a cooperation forum between TSOs and holding regular meetings. This forum will maintain close contact with the Regulators Cooperation Forum (RCF) and connect with the existing TSO regional cooperation framework; At major international conferences related to nuclear safety and other related occasions, all parties should publicize the important conclusions and results of the TSO conference; as cyber threats such as cyber security have become increasingly prominent, the interdependence between nuclear safety and nuclear security has become increasingly important. TSO should expand its scope of responsibility and, if applicable, provide technical support to the competent government authority responsible for nuclear security.