Interview with Haiyan County Mayor: Development of nuclear power must cross the threshold of communication with the public


Interview with Haiyan County Mayor: Development of nuclear power must cross the threshold of communication with the public

Source: Global Times. Date: 2014-04-24.

    On April 18, when presiding over the first meeting of the new National Energy Membership Council, Premier Li Keqiang pointed out that the construction of new nuclear power projects in the eastern coastal areas should be started in due course. But since the Fukushima nuclear accident, some people have "talked about nuclear discoloration." And in recent days, some major projects in many places have been stranded due to protests from local people, such as PX project factories, waste incineration power plants, cremation plants, etc. So, will the launch of future nuclear power projects also encounter "public abduction"? How can the government and people communicate effectively on major projects?

Reporter Pu recently interviewed Zhang Jian, the mayor of Haiyan County, Zhejiang Province, who attended the China International Nuclear Industry Exhibition in Beijing. He said that some projects caused confrontation between ordinary people and the government due to environmental problems, and the government should first do self-reflection. Many contradictions are not because the project itself is not good, but because local governments have not communicated with the people in advance. In fact, nuclear power is generally a safe and clean energy source, which has a positive impact on the development of the local economy and the improvement of air quality. Therefore, learning to communicate with the public is a required course for modern government.

Erhai Yanren get along well with nuclear power plant

Erhaiyan County is a small coastal town located in Hangzhou Bay, Zhejiang Province, where the Qinshan Nuclear Power Station is located. Qinshan Nuclear Power Station started construction in 1985 and has completed the construction of the third phase of the project. Zhang Jian said: "The nuclear power plant in mainland China started from Haiyan. The first phase of the Qinshan nuclear power plant started construction in 1985. It has a 30-year history today. Although Haiyan people and the nuclear power plant cannot be said to have no contradictions, they do get better and better each other. It can be said that they complement each other and gradually get better. "

Zhang Jian, who has worked in the environmental protection department for some group incidents in recent years, has deep feelings. He said: "Some projects have caused confrontation between local people and the government due to environmental problems, and the government should first conduct a self-review." He said that over the years, some local governments have indeed pursued excessive GDP. Therefore, when introducing some large projects, scientific and democratic decision-making is not enough. Without careful analysis and evaluation, the subjective will of local party and government leaders often plays a decisive role. "So for some projects, the common people take an attitude of resistance and rejection. I understand. There are indeed some projects that should not be introduced and should not be settled. The government must conduct self-examination."

Speaking of some recent PX projects that have been stranded due to "public opinion", Zhang Jian said, "I think that many projects are not bad projects themselves, they really have a significant impact on the environment, but because local governments are working on projects in advance. In the early stage, it is not enough to explain to the local people and the society at all times. People do not have sufficient professional knowledge reserves and are easily misled by extreme words. I think that when people have doubts, the government must pay attention to them and make full communication in advance. Let them understand, understand, and support these major projects. If many projects stop as soon as they are in conflict, the national and local interests will be lost, and the interests of the people will also be lost. If local economic development is not up, the employment of the people will be greatly affected. In addition, Zhang Jian also believes that some media reports on such issues are biased, lacking a scientific attitude, and using some seemingly sound and one-sided views to mislead some members of the public and intensify opposition.

In fact, the whole process of the nuclear power plant's settlement in Haiyan was accompanied by the doubts and confusion of the local people. When the nuclear power plant was first settled in Haiyan, the people of Haiyan knew very little about it. Some people even called it "atomic bomb power station", and the panic was self-evident.

消除 In order to dispel people's doubts, when the construction of the Qinshan nuclear power plant was started, the builder and the local government kept communicating with the people and publicized some basic knowledge about the peaceful and safe use of nuclear energy. The Haiyan County Government will set aside a month each year for the publicity month of nuclear power science popularization. "This is also the month of interaction between nuclear power and local people," Zhang Jian emphasized. In order to convince the local people, the Haiyan government regularly organizes citizens to visit nuclear power plants. The staff of Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant also introduced the common knowledge of nuclear power plant operation and management to the people. In recent years, Haiyan has also held a large-scale nuclear power forum every year, inviting citizens to participate together, so that nuclear power can have better interaction with local people.

Jianzhang Jian also told reporters that Haiyan is about to launch its nuclear power science and technology museum plan. The Haiyan Nuclear Power Science and Technology Museum is expected to invest 250 million yuan, aiming to turn the Qinshan Nuclear Power Station and Haiyan County into a publicity base for nuclear power science knowledge.

The average life of Erhai salt surpasses the surrounding nuclear power

3In March 2011, a nuclear leak at the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan caused panic among the Japanese people and great concern from neighboring countries. Zhang Jian also acknowledged that the Fukushima accident has greatly affected people in all areas where nuclear power plants are built. In this regard, Haiyan County organized professionals to carefully interpret the problems of the Fukushima nuclear power plant and to study whether the Qinshan nuclear power plant can avoid such accidents. The experts then communicated and explained to the residents in plain language.

Jian Zhangjian told reporters his views on the Fukushima accident. He said that the main reason for the accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant was the tsunami caused by the earthquake, the seawater flooded the standby power supply facilities of the nuclear power plant, and the cooling reactor could not operate normally because of no power supply, which led to the explosion of hydrogen. "We have conducted a comparative analysis between the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant and the Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant. There is no deep sea trench near Haiyan County, and no tsunami will occur. The dam is a construction standard once in 500 years, and the possibility of seawater flooding is almost zero." Zhang Jian It was also stated that the technical model of the Qinshan nuclear power plant is very different from Fukushima, and the reactor technology for later construction is also more advanced. After explaining and communicating with the public, local people reduced some concerns about the safety of nuclear power plants.

Wu Zhangjian believes: "The rights and interests of local people must be put first, and the healthy development of nuclear power can only be promoted in a safe environment." For safe work, the local government of Haiyan has a clear division of labor. The enterprise is responsible for the production safety and management inside the factory area, and the Haiyan government is responsible for the construction of the nuclear emergency system outside the factory, and holds some drills for nuclear emergency activities every year. At the same time, armed police are on duty to collect and dispose of counter-terrorism information and security information. In addition, the government also monitors the environmental status of nuclear power plants in real time through the radiation monitoring stations of the provincial environmental protection department, and regularly publishes the monitoring data. Zhang Jian emphasized: "Publishing the monitoring data on the one hand is real-time monitoring of the status of the enterprise, and on the other hand, it also allows the public to understand that the operation of the Qinshan nuclear power plant is under a controlled and safe state, and has not caused any negative impact on the environment. Impact."

Data show that the average life expectancy of Haiyan County is 80.6 years, which is about two years higher than the average level in Zhejiang Province. "There are still many centenarians living in small villages around the nuclear power plant." Zhang Jian added.

The development of nuclear power is conducive to the management of smog

Wu Zhangjian believes that the presence of nuclear power plants in Haiyan has had a profound impact on the development of Haiyan. Today, the nuclear power industry has become the largest industry in Haiyan County, and the GDP it generates accounts for about a quarter of the county. At the same time, the development of the nuclear power industry has also promoted the development of other industries and agriculture in Haiyan, and has even had a profound impact on the education, urban construction and cultural construction of Haiyan.

In the past two years, air quality has been concerned all over the country, and smog and PM2.5 have become an inevitable topic for people. Zhang Jian believes that the high proportion of thermal power is an important reason for the decline in air quality. The Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant actually has a positive impact on the air quality of sea salt. The air quality rate of sea salt this year has reached over 80%, which is the best in Jiaxing County, also in the forefront of Zhejiang Province.

Qi Zhangjian believes that nuclear power is clean energy, and the development of nuclear power may be conducive to improving the environment. He enumerated a set of numbers: At present, China's total installed capacity of nuclear power accounts for only about 2% of the country's total, compared with the world average of 18% -20%, and France's 70% -80%. "Overall, countries or regions with a higher nuclear power share better air. So many countries are planning to replace nuclear power with nuclear power."

Wu Zhangjian finally introduced Haiyan's development goal, that is, the dream of Haiyan, which is to "build a Chinese nuclear power city and build a livable seaside". He summarized the connotation of Binhai Livable Place in three sentences: "Innovative base of high-quality industry, beautiful leisure resort, and a harmonious place of elegant living."