2019 New Employee Welcome Meeting


At 09:00 on August 3, 2019, the group company organized a welcome meeting for new employees in Haiyan County, Jiaxing City in 2019. Mr. Li Yongxian, Chairman of the Group, attended the welcome meeting for new employees and extended a warm welcome to the arrival of new graduates in 2019.

A total of more than 30 new employees were reported from Nanhua University, Donghua University of Science and Technology, Harbin University of Science and Technology, Chengdu University of Technology, Changsha University of Science and Technology, North China University of Water Resources and Hydropower, Nanjing Engineering University, Heilongjiang University of Science and Technology, Zhejiang Gongshang University, and other places throughout the country 14 undergraduate colleges, including more than 20 majors in 4 major categories: science, engineering, literature, and management.

At the welcome meeting, new employees introduced themselves, shared wonderful experiences with their alma mater, hometown, etc., and looked forward to future life and work. Everyone said that they have made use of their strengths in the transition from students to employees, strived to be progressive, strived to be a pioneer, integrate as quickly as possible, study hard, work hard, make more contributions to the company, and express their help and commitment to the company. Thanks.

Chairman Li Yongxian extended a warm welcome to the new employees. He hoped that the new employees will cherish the opportunity, love the company, and actively participate in China's nuclear power industry, become a participant and devotee of China's nuclear power industry, and become a true China Nuclear Commissioner. At the same time, I gave a speech of "Four Confidence" to new employees. First, self-confidence in making a career decision is correct, there is a way forward, and a career that can keep you going. Second, self-confidence is important for the company's future development. If it is consistent with self, the company's future planning is consistent with itself; once again, the self-confidence team is excellent and glorious, and this excellence and glory includes self-effort and hard work; finally, confident that the whole society is harmonious and fraternal With dedication. Encourage new employees to "be touched and understand gratitude", "to gather together like a fire, scattered like a star", "the sweat of going up the mountain will eventually be exchanged for the laughter down the mountain".

After this new employee meeting, two months of pre-job closed training and assessment will be ushered in.


