During the training of Wanna Power Service Project


The power service project undertaken by Wanna Corporation includes related posts such as distribution operation inspection, substation maintenance, and engineering budget; in February, the project department was established and started, completing pre-job training, third-level safety education, and related power expertise Theoretical training. Began to enter the special practical operation training phase in March, focusing on theoretical learning and strengthening practical training as the basis, with "Reverse operation of power distribution lines", "replacement order", "replacement of porcelain bottles, installation of cross-arms" and other related professional Practice the project, and strive to achieve qualified personnel in the power service project of "one person with multiple abilities, matching skills and positions" through 3 months of training. During the training, I would like to thank the relevant leaders of the Electric Power Bureau for coming to the training site for inspection and guidance and giving valuable opinions. I also thank the relevant departments of the Electric Power Bureau for their strong support and cooperation.




