The song does not leave the mouth with high requirements, and the boxing does not leave hands. ----- The normal operation of the fuel operation team.


March in Yangchun, Vientiane updated.

Fuqing Nuclear Power was no longer noisy during the overhaul and was full of vitality.

According to the requirements of the project department leaders, the employees of the lifting operation, especially the younger generations, took full advantage of the empty window period of the overhaul of Fuqing Nuclear Power to improve their skills at the right time. From theory to practical operation, they are bred with a lot of hard work Atmosphere.


In the 8AF inspection hall, you will inadvertently find that the crane operator is driving. Red alert belts, regular alert areas, eye-catching vests, bright whistle, powerful gestures, skillful hooks, earnest stumbling, raising hands and feet showing meticulous rigor and confidence.

The more you practice, the more rigorous you become, and the more confident you become, the boys will work in pairs. Practice driving and command. The whistle must be loud and accurate. The gesture must be standard and beautiful. The driver can drive and stabilize the hook. The smaller the clearance between the piles, the closer and closer the center of the drop is. , Never see the panic and helplessness in the first practical operation. As long as the new employees Cai Feng and Tan Yong did not get to the job site, they would take the initiative to practice, and their driving and commanding levels have greatly improved.


The driving started, the actual training started, and the active training during the work interval became normal, and the training team began to expand.

Increasingly, there are more practical staff, both young and old. Several experienced drivers from the project department, Ren Xiaoqing, Zhang Zhifang, etc. also demonstrated and practiced from time to time in person. Not only did the old employees go into battle, they also observed, commented, and demonstrated beside them. Teacher Guo Yanliang often corrected the irregular moves of new employees.

Diligence neglected in play. The normalization and initiative of the hoisting operation drills will definitely push the various tasks of the hoisting operation project department to a new level.

Fear the harsh environment and do things right at once

——Replacement and hoisting of RPN probe of Unit 4

Photo / text Li Shangjie

On March 9, 2019, the minor repair RPN probe replacement and hoisting work of Unit 4 under the responsibility of the maintenance support office Wanna lifting operation officially started.

The dose of the RPN probe at the job site is as high as 17.6mSv; the main pump and fan have not been shut down, and the noise is seriously exceeded the standard. They lay loudly in their ears and shouted loudly, and they could not hear the instructions when the intercom was turned on; 0 meters and 20 meters of multi-layer hoisting, the distance between the driver and the hoist and the commander of the ring crane is far, the vision and hearing are restricted, the operating environment is extremely harsh, and the operating risk has increased dramatically.

During the "two sessions", the maintenance support department attached great importance to this lifting operation, and commissioned the interface person Liu Changwei, safety supervision Qiu Cunpu to track the whole process, and with the members of the lifting operation team, deduced the operation process, fully analyzed the risks, and actively planned countermeasures Try to get things done once and minimize the time needed for the job.

After a full discussion with the other members of the operation team at the pre-construction meeting, Yang Gang decided to use gestures as the main signal transmission and walkie-talkie as the auxiliary signal transmission. An additional deputy command relay was used to transmit the command signal to ensure that the entire RPN probe was replaced and hoisted. Foolproof, strive to get things done once!

In the deafening noise, the hoisting personnel hoisted the new RPN probe from 0 meters to 20 meters temporarily; in the high-dose environment, the soothing staff calmly and patiently hoisted the old probe from 20 meters to 0 meters; in Under the strict requirements that the new probe and the probe body must be kept vertical, the lifting staff carefully operated it until the professionals finally confirmed that the probe was safely in place and completed the lifting task safely and smoothly.

There is no extra movement, all in one go.

Doing things right at once is not only a slogan, but also the actual working attitude of the maintenance support department Wanna lifting operations staff.

