Group Chairman Li Dong was invited to attend the two sessions


On the morning of January 15, the two sessions of Jiaxing City were grandly opened in the Jiaxing Grand Theater. Li Yongxian, Chairman of the Group Corporation, Chairman of the Henan Chamber of Commerce of Jiaxing City, and CPPCC member Li Yongxian was invited to participate in the meeting to provide suggestions for the development of Jiaxing.

Keywords: business-optimal city

Keywords: go deep and run "at most once" reform

Interpreters: Li Yongxian, member of the CPPCC, Chairman of Henan Chamber of Commerce in Jiaxing, and Chairman of Wanna Shenhe Holding Group

The city government has made optimizing the business environment a key task this year, and proposed to go deeper and implement the "run once" reform, implement detailed policies to support enterprises and benefit enterprises, and stimulate and activate market vitality, which greatly boosted the confidence of our entrepreneurs .

Focusing on these aspects and combining with the actual situation of enterprises, the first is to hope that the government can further improve the professional capabilities (levels) of grass-roots administrative (law enforcement) and assist the development of enterprises with more accurate administrative capabilities. Such as in-depth understanding of various industries, providing more accurate services and more professional management. The second is to achieve mutual recognition of professional qualifications issued by multiple departments as soon as possible to help enterprises hold multiple licenses and enhance their market competitiveness. At present, the corresponding training institutions and competent authorities in our city perform their respective duties. For example, the electrician certificate certified by the safety supervision cannot be recognized in the construction industry, which affects the employment and the orderly flow of talents. The third is to increase efforts to introduce and cultivate basic skills. At present, the city's support for innovative talents is very strong, but the policy of retaining basic skilled talents is not perfect. I hope to introduce related policies such as subsidies for renting and buying houses for these "advanced blue-collar workers". The fourth is to further promote the high-quality development of the city's technology-based service industry and promote the upgrading of the industrial structure. By understanding the tax and fee burden of such enterprises, formulate corresponding assistance policies to support their positive innovation. The fifth is to strengthen the inquiry and research before the promulgation of the new policy, and establish a policy review mechanism to look back on policies to make the policies more operable and applicable.
