The group company held the 2018 Excellent Employees Commendation and Annual Management Meeting of Qinshan Region


In the afternoon of January 11, 2019, the group company grandly held the Qinshan region's 2018 outstanding employee recognition and management annual meeting at the Haiyan Hotel. Group Chairman and General Manager Li Yongxian, Chief Financial Officer Duan Shufang, Chief Executive Officer Lu Ziqiang, Deputy General Manager Wang Chaorui, Deputy General Manager Li Bo, Chief Economist Li Yanjun, Leaders, Administrators, and Employee Representatives of all departments of the Group More than one person participated in this year's outstanding employee recognition conference. More than 200 outstanding employees, teams and the company's chairman's reward fund personnel (teams) were commended this year, covering the company's Qinshan nuclear power base, Fuqing nuclear power base, Tianwan nuclear power, 821 maintenance and other projects, including: outstanding individuals 52 people; 7 excellent teams; 1 excellent project; 2 excellent departments; 3 excellent project managers; 3 excellent managers; 5 excellent team leaders; 1 company-level excellent administrator; 2 excellent department heads; 1 excellent department manager.


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At the commendation meeting, Wang Zhaorui, the deputy general manager of the group company, summarized the company's project management work in 2018, looked forward to the work in 2019, and read out the list of personnel who won the chairman's award fund. Subsequently, He Haisheng, the chairman of the labor union of the group company and manager of the engineering management department, read out the list of outstanding employees. The company's party branch secretary Xu Jiayi and the group company's labor union chairman He Haisheng issued certificates for outstanding employees.


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In the end, Chairman Li made a concluding speech and warmly congratulated the outstanding employees who were commended, encouraged everyone to summarize the results, share joy, and create new achievements, while representing the group company to all employees who have worked hard in the past year Sincere condolences and thanks. At the meeting, Chairman Li hoped that everyone would learn more, be more innovative, and be more dedicated to the family, the company, and the society, and use positive energy to influence others and serve the owners. He also said that the group company will increase capital investment in the future, cultivate excellent backbones, and enhance the company's overall strength.


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The annual outstanding employee selection and chairman's reward fund issuance is a series of annual evaluation work started by the group company since 2013. It aims to better motivate employees' initiative, initiative and creativity, and implement the humane management concept. The evaluation work is divided into monthly evaluation and annual evaluation. It adopts the "recommended evaluation" + "project evaluation" method. It is recommended by the employing department or individual. The project management department and the company's performance evaluation management team conduct comprehensive evaluations. Effect. The annual excellent selection will be carried out at the end of the year or the beginning of the next year. The outstanding employees who have been recognized throughout the year will be selected to strengthen their sense of responsibility, mission, and honor.


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