All party branches of Wanna Nuclear Group organized a live broadcast of the 19th National Congress


At 9 am on October 18th, the comrades of the subsidiaries, branches, and project departments of the group were organized by the party branch secretary at the company headquarters, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Fujian, Sichuan, Hainan, Guangdong, Shanghai, Henan and other places watched the live broadcast of the opening ceremony of the 19th National Congress of the People ’s Congress at the same time. When they heard the national anthem on the TV, everyone stood up from their seats and listened to the impassioned anthem. Let us be proud.

In watching the special report of Xi Jinping on behalf of the 18th Central Committee to the General Assembly, everyone expressed that in these years, under the leadership of the Party Central Committee, our country has become stronger and our lives have undergone rapid changes, bringing us many Preferential policies. The party branch requires all party members to carefully watch the opening of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping ’s important speech with our work, using “offline organization learning” and “online organization WeChat learning” to organize carefully Learn to discuss. We will further consolidate the determination of everyone to work hard through study and discussion, and effectively grasp the current work with more effective measures and a more pragmatic style. We hope to realize our great dream through our new practice.







