Put your sleeves up and dry, who says women are inferior to men


The Fuqing Nuclear Power 202 amendments are in full swing in an orderly manner. The various armies fight day and night in various overhaul positions. The maintenance support staff is also highly motivated and uses their own sweat to serve the overhaul and refuel.

In the service army of the overhaul, there is no shortage of heroes Mulan.

There are such a group of Mulan in the lifting and tool library project department of Wanna Company. They are insisting on lifting the driver's various positions and managing the tools in each warehouse.


In the high-rise crane cab of the nuclear island, under the gantry frame of the PX pump room, the K factory building was hoisted across the lack of pool, and their hard sweat was sprinkled everywhere.

In front of the long tool library window, at the pouring site of the FC library, they lit up their lamps next to the desk of the work bag, and they always appeared busy.


Li Changhong, an older sister over half a year old, is still on the night shift, working four shifts, and is active on the front line of work.

Yuan Duo must take into account both attendance, license application and training, as well as attending tool shifts.

Yang Li, who has the style of a female man, carries huge oil barrels and swaps them, just like a regular meal.