The tool library was busy on the first day of the overhaul, and the service project department opened up another path.


On October 1, the great motherland ushered in its 69th birthday, and Fuqing Nuclear Power also opened the curtain of 202 overhaul. On this great day of joyous celebrations, all colleagues of the Wanner Fuqing Nuclear Power Tool Depot, with full enthusiasm for work and high quality service, presented gifts to the great motherland, added bricks and mortar to the 202 overhaul, and made the first day of the 202 overhaul.


In order to do a good job of 202/301 overhaul tool service, the project department plans ahead, actively organizes manpower and material resources, reconstructs shelves, increases storage capacity, timely checks expired tools, and makes every effort to fill in gaps to ensure adequate supply of tools during overhaul.

Due to the tight schedule of the overhaul, heavy tasks, and the large number of units involved in the overhaul, the tool borrowing window of the tool library was busy on the first day of the overhaul, and the team of tool borrowers was lined up. The tool library administrator sent away waves of borrowers. , Very busy!

The leader of the project department was anxious in his eyes. After field investigation and demonstration, Manager Xie Bo had a clever move and directed in person. He opened a window, added a service window for borrowing tools, opened a new path, doubled the efficiency, and greatly reduced borrowing. The team of tool personnel greatly improves the speed of borrowing tools.

On the first day of the 202 overhaul, the show turned in a complete answer sheet and wrote a new chapter for Wanna Corporation's overhaul in Fuqing Nuclear Power.



Wanna Shenhe Fuqing Nuclear Power Hoisting Operation, Tool Library Management Project Department

                Zhao Shugong 2017/10/1